original of this I wrote in 2011, but I have updated it to reflect both the changes of politics and my
own beliefs.
"July The Farce"
By = Fayanora
Dear God, we thank you for the freedom
To listen to pompous hypocritical racist windbags
Rally the common people in protest
Of affordable healthcare for all.
Dear God, we thank you for the freedom
To hear hateful vitriolic lies pollute our media,
The Republicans aiming the people like a weapon at Democrats,
While they, the real villains, pay no taxes.
Dear God, we thank you for the freedom
To be searched and detained indefinitely without a warrant,
A clear violation of our constutional rights,
All because Al-Jazeera is more reliable than the US media.
Dear God, we thank you for the freedom
To relive Hitler's rise to power in the guise
Of a tiny-handed man with the temperament
Of a colicky infant with the IQ of a babboon.
Dear God, we thank you for the freedom
To move from one crisis to another
For however many years until the
Neo-Nazi in Chief is voted out of office.
Dear God, we thank you for the freedom
To be deliberately misinformed by the media,
While they push our fear and panic buttons
With propaganda Hitler would have envied.
Dear God, we thank you for the freedom
To watch a bad man constantly fire on his peers,
The economy being sabotaged just so gluttonous pigfuckers
Can rake in billions in stolen profits.
Dear God, we thank you for the freedom
To be spared from important news developments,
So that rapists, child molesters, thieves, and Klansmen
Can get elected without even lying about what they are.
Dear God, we thank you for the freedom
To be told we can't pursue our happiness
If that pursuit steps on the precious toes of the priveleged,
Who want that freedom all to themselves.
Dear God, we thank you for the freedom
To be taken away from our own children,
Arrested, and put on a special blacklist,
Just because we taught them the word "vagina."
Dear God, we thank you for the freedom
To be violently detained and seperated from our kids,
For daring to want to have a better life,
And not doing it by the ridiculously complicated rules.
Dear God, we thank you for the freedom
To be brutally attacked for our gender identity,
Then to be told it was our fault for being different,
And mocked, like freaks, by the media.
Dear God, we thank you for the freedom
To be sexually and violently attacked,
Then to be called either a liar or a slut
When we report the crime.
Dear God, we thank you for the freedom
To stockpile enough weapons to destroy the world several times over,
While crumbling schools and education standards mean
Twenty years from now nobody will know how to operate them.
Dear God, we thank you for the freedom
To pretend our Orwellian nightmare is a utopia.
But it would be a hell of a lot easier to do that
If marijuana weren't illegal anymore.
Dear God, we thank you for the freedom
To think.
It's not illegal...
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