Apr 02, 2018 12:00
- Sun, 12:42: 📷 https://t.co/KTV1oe2e9u
- Sun, 13:25: 📷 https://t.co/GGh2foo5I3
- Sun, 14:07: mybpdblog: peridotsofficialtwitteraccount: IF YOU CANT HANDLE ME AT MY WORST, JUST REMEMBER THAT I HANDLE... https://t.co/TymVvqmPla
- Sun, 14:49: 📷 Hermione, thinking: “Bitch you know what I meant. Ugh, boys!” https://t.co/bXrZB1Fb5Y
- Sun, 15:32: tilthat: TIL wealthy Chinese criminals occasionally hire look-a-likes to serve their prison sentence via... https://t.co/gjHpGCQGTO
- Sun, 16:14: 📷 chuckdrawsthings: still a win tho!! check out my book kick-starter : ) https://t.co/LWXESumAQ4
- Sun, 16:56: 📷 https://t.co/Kw2Rrdliry
- Sun, 17:39: 📷 adriofthedead: whats the password https://t.co/e2S9QmzAIj
- Sun, 18:21: 📷 tanoraqui: returnofismasm: tanoraqui: profeminist: Tweet 1 source | Tweet 2 source I am genuinely... https://t.co/z6ET7LSmNR
- Sun, 19:03: 📷 https://t.co/T3UpXfOYCf
- Sun, 19:46: alexanderrm: “Please save me! I’ll do anything for you!” “Then perish.” “Hell is empty, and all the devils... https://t.co/4YgbUivosc
- Sun, 20:28: 📷 https://t.co/zCrMSm8PTM
- Sun, 21:11: femsaphique: hey so uh, prisons r bad. https://t.co/vZlNBVgUJN
- Sun, 21:53: tilthat: TIL The German word Sehnsucht means “an individual’s search for happiness while coping with the... https://t.co/ZsZceZxhhQ
- Sun, 22:35: wizardshark: “lol Android users be like-” your phone is designed to break down after a year, your apps are... https://t.co/JTOha0AQT2
- Sun, 23:04: The Many Faces Go To War, Chapters Two and Three https://t.co/4JUsHOSMIA
- Sun, 23:07: Many Faces chapters 3 and 4 - Looks like I once more forgot to post about updates to my HP fanfic, so... https://t.co/7oa4bTJFQV
- Sun, 23:18: 📷 masked-up: The police interacting with trans protesters vs the police interacting with aggressive... https://t.co/5GN4qc30uX
- Mon, 00:42: 📷 eyeholes-in-a-paperbag: this is so fucking funny https://t.co/tcyi1HTXzU
- Mon, 01:25: just-shower-thoughts: Surely by Jurrassic Park 5 they have to know the park simply isn’t profitable https://t.co/3rImkM9TKI