Gender questions

Aug 03, 2017 02:31

In response to something ysabetwordsmith posted about a "metagender" character (link here), I wrote:

Then too, there's the Ah'koi bahnis, who would find the concept of gender confusing and or fascinating, as they have only one sex. I mean, to tie personality traits to something as odd as differences in anatomy??? They would ask questions like "So if you lose an arm, what is your gender then?" Or "what gender are you if you have an extra finger?" Or "penis is male, vagina is female... What if you have neither? What if you are a mutant with a cloaca?" "What gender is a sponge?" "My people have both a penis and a vagina. Are we all to like both dolls and trucks at once? How does one express and yet also repress their emotions? Should I oppress myself? Do we get paid the male rate for having a penis, or does our ability to get pregnant condemn us to the female pay rate? We do not have menses and yet we can get pregnant; does your god still consider us unclean? Do I still 'need a man' though I can impregnate myself or do I count as my own man in that situation?" Or other questions like "What if one has none of the traits assigned either gender, assuming that were possible?"

Oh, it could be fun to write a story like that. :)

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gender fluid, gender, traipah, ah'koi bahnis, gender issues

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