Watson Personality Analyzer

Dec 18, 2016 08:36

OMG everyone, check out this site! Put in some text you've typed, and it analyzes your writing and tells you stuff about your personality! It was pretty accurate, the parts I could understand. It thinks I'm more open than I am, probably because I am more open on the Internet than in person. And I do volunteer, even though it thinks that unlikely for me.

My results, with commentary (in parentheses):

You are unconventional, (yeah, totally) somewhat inconsiderate and skeptical. (That bit must be Alex.)
You are independent: you have a strong desire to have time to yourself. (Amen!) You are reserved: you are a private person and don't let many people in. (Aye) And you are authority-challenging: you prefer to challenge authority and traditional values to help bring about positive changes. (So true!)
Your choices are driven by a desire for discovery. (Yeah, sounds right.)
You are relatively unconcerned with both tradition and achieving success. (Yeah.) You care more about making your own path than following what others have done. (Amen to that!) And you make decisions with little regard for how they show off your talents. (I guess so.)

You are likely to______
prefer resale value when buying automobiles (LOL! When I had cars I drove them til they wore all the way out, resale value is the last thing on my mind.)
volunteer to learn about social causes (Got me there.)
prefer style when buying clothes (My own, but yeah.)

You are unlikely to______
prefer safety when buying automobiles (WTF? No, that's wrong.)
have spent time volunteering (I totally do.)
be influenced by social media during product purchases (Depends on the social media, the people, and the product. But essentially right.)

(If I don't comment on it specifically, I consider it accurate.)

Openness ["Higher: Intellectually curious, emotionally-aware, sensitive to beauty and willing to try new things."]
100% (Cool!)

6% (Apparently this means I'm very introverted. Amen!)

Artistic interests


Authority-challenging ["Openness to re-examine own values and traditions; readiness to challenge authority."]


Emotionality ["Emotional availability; awareness of own feelings."]

Adventurousness ["Eagerness to trying new activities and experiencing new things."]

Emotional range ["This demo cannot diagnose a mental illness. Higher: More likely to have negative emotions or get upset. It could mean they are going through a tough time. Lower: More calm and less likely to get upset. It does not mean they are positive, or happy people."]

Melancholy ["Normal tendency to experience feelings of guilt, sadness, hopelessness, or loneliness. This demo cannot diagnose a mental illness."]
98% (This might be a tad high.)

Self-consciousness ["Concern with rejection, embarrassment; shyness."]
98% (Again, a tad high.)

Susceptible to stress ["Difficulty in coping with stress or pressure in difficult situations."]


Prone to worry

Fiery ["Tendency to experience-but not necessarily express-anger or frustration."]
52% (Gonna have to test Alex now to see what his number is.)

Agreeableness ["Higher: Value getting along with others. They have a more optimistic view of human nature. Lower: Value self interests over others. They are more skeptical of others' motives."]
6% (Feels more like Alex's result)

Conscientiousness ["Higher: More self-disciplined, dutiful, or aiming for achievement against measures or outside expectations. Lower: More likely to prefer the spontaneous over the planned."]


Cooperation ["Dislike of confrontations. Responding to interpersonal conflict with a willingness to compromise."]

Uncompromising ["Frank and genuine in expression; candid, blunt."]


24% (This is ridiculously low for me. I call BS on this one.)


Cautiousness ["Tendency to think things through before acting or speaking."]



Achievement striving ["The need for personal achievement and sense of direction."]
7% (BS! Way too low!)

1% (Might be a hair on the low side.)

Self-efficacy ["Belief in one's own competence."]
0% (WTF??? Why is this so low? BS!)

Consumer Needs



Ideal ["A desire to satisfy one's idea of perfection in a lifestyle or experience, oftentimes seen as pursuing a sense of community."]

Closeness ["A need to nurture or be nurtured; a feeling of belonging."]
8% (Not sure if this being low is good or bad???)

Challenge ["A desire to achieve, succeed, compete, or pursue experiences that test one's abilities."]



Helping others
24% (Way too low!)

Taking pleasure in life
10% (A smidge too low.)


Tradition ["Respect, commitment, and acceptance of the customs and ideas that one's culture and/or religion provides."]
0% (LOL right on the nose)

Some highlights from Alex's, that we did for comparison: "You are a bit indirect, somewhat inconsiderate and can be perceived as insensitive." LOL yeah. "You are solemn: you are generally serious and do not joke much." Mostly accurate. His humor tends to be insults, sarcasm, or puns. Sometimes all three at once.

Let's see... Alex is apparently less susceptible to stress, at 81%. (???) Also less self conscious (87%) and less prone to worry. (81%) Also, he got a higher percentage for "taking pleasure in life," at 29%.

I don't really trust the results for "Fiery," because it gave a calm, thoughtful entry by Fay a 76%, gave one of Alex's rants a 64%, and another, angrier Alex rant a 43%.

I want to finish by reminding everyone that with our form of multiplicity, these kinds of tests are bound to mess up. Internal stuff fluctuates so often and so randomly that there's no telling for sure who's thinking what when, and how those thoughts will influence behavior. So that the fact this test is even this accurate with us is a minor miracle.

This was cross-posted from http://fayanora.dreamwidth.org/1327508.html
You can comment either here or there.

alex, multiplicity, about me

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