"Monstrous Regiment"

Mar 31, 2016 05:15

Checked out "Monstrous Regiment" by Terry Pratchett, on audiobook, because I've decided to give the Discworld books another try. The first three or four in the series I didn't get much out of, because of the issues I sometimes have translating words into pictures in my head. (Works fine the other way around, though.) I had the same problem with the Harry Potter books, the descriptions were largely useless to me because they didn't help me picture anything; everyone was just a bunch of talking squiggles in vaguely different colors, wandering around a squiggly world, until the movies came out and gave me something to put in place of the squiggles. I don't know why I have this problem, and I don't know why it's a problem with some books but not others. It's weird.

Anyway, so "Monstrous Regiment" is a bit farther along in the series, but I decided to get it while I waited for the first four in the series, because according to one website, the Discworld series is more like several series that take place in the same universe, with a few standalone books. Well, "Monstrous Regiment" is one of those standalone books.

Also, I don't know if it's something about the way this book is written or if it's because it's an audiobook, but this book has been VERY easy to picture characters and places in my head; for some reason, the normally faulty translation circuits are working right for this book. Wish I knew why. (Might be the voices? The guy reading it is VERY good with voices.)

Anyway, very hilarious book so far (I'm about halfway through). It has women pretending to be men, it has non-human characters, it has a lesbian couple, and it has political satire, all fun stuff! Looking forward to reading more.

This was cross-posted from http://fayanora.dreamwidth.org/1307900.html
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