The other day, I was reading about attempts to make English easier for people to learn how to spell. The ones I looked at had some flaws, in that things like Shavian and Unspeak have their own alphabets. They claim those letters are easier to tell apart from one another, but they actually look MORE alike to me.
So earlier, while thinking about that again, I had the idea: "What if it can be made simpler by just changing the spelling rules, getting rid of unnecessary characters, and adding some new ones in?" So I'm doing that, with something I'm calling Fucking Simple English (FSE). FSE also seeks to make some of the easily-confused letters less likely to be confused, by replacing them with variants.
Of course, there are so many accented letters and special characters, it kind of would need some form of international keyboard to use.
Okay, so here is the first draft:
(If you can't see the characters, let me know. I'll make a picture version eventually.)
Important notes:
There is no Q, though the symbols replacing N look similar. (Ϙ, ϙ) Words normally spelled with Q will now be spelled with either a K or a KW, or whatever else, depending on pronunciation.
There are no double letters that make a single sound (TT, EE, SS, etc). If there are two vowels, like ôø, they make two different sounds. (In this case OOH-OY) Same goes for consonants, though the odds of that are slim.
C is eliminated as unnecessary. It is being replaced by S or by K, whichever is called for.
X's only sound is now CH as in change, charge, and arch.
There are no silent letters.
A, E, I, O, and U - when unaccented - say their names. (A rhymes with nay, E rhymes with he, etc)
Bars over the letters A, E, I, and U change sound to ah, eh, ih, and uh.
Uppercase F and E look too similar, so uppercase F is to be replaced with the Cyrillic version of F (Ф).
Lowercase d and b look too similar, so uppercase D is replaced with Greek Delta (Δ), and lowercase b with lowercase Greek Beta (β).
P and R are too similar in appearance (also, lowercase p looks like both d and b), so P/p are replaced with Greek Pi (Π / π).
W looks too much like an upside down M, so W and w are replaced with the letter Koppa (Ϙ, ϙ)
Unaccented - rhymes with lay, pray, nay, and gay.
Ā/ā - Ah as in llama, mama, open wide and say Ahhh.
Á/á - Aa as in as, apple, cat, that.
Ār/ār - Ar as in car, bar, tar.
Unaccented - E as in we, free, knee, see, pee.
Ē/ē - Eh as in met, bed, led, dead.
Ér/ér - Er as in purr, fur, traitor, deader
Unaccented - I as in fry, high, guy, lie, by.
Ī/ī - Ih as in in, pit, shit, tit.
Í/í - ?
Unaccented - O as in low, know, go, flow, show.
Ô/ô - Oo as in poo, true, knew, few.
Ö/ö - Oo as in book, look, took, hook.
Ø/ø - Oy as in boy, toy, and join.
Ör/ör - Or as in sore, core, floor, bore.
Unaccented - Rhymes with you, ewe, boo, and do.
Ū/ū - Uh as in cinema, away.
Consonants (subject to change):
[Bracketed] words are the name of thecharacter
B, β - B and b
Δ, d - D and d
Ф, f - F and f
Ʒ- [Ezh] The S in pleasure,vision
L, λ - L and l
Ϙ,ϙ - [Koppa] N and n.
ŋ- [Eng] NG in ring,thing,sing.
Π,π - Replaces P and p
ʃ - [Esh] SH as in shit,shrike, wash. (Capitalize by making bigger.)
Þ,θ - [Thorn] TH sound as in this,that,thing,teeth.(θis lowercase)
Ð,ð- [Eth], makes softer TH as in father,breathe,this.
Ω,ω- [Omega] W,w
X,x- The CH as in change,charge,arch.
Z,z- zoo,rose
Some words spelled thus:
Rose= Roz
Cat= Kát
Dog= Δāg (or dāg)
Challenge= Xálēnj
Shit- ʃīt
Shuttlecraft- ʃūtūlkráft
bologna- βūλone
Traitor- Tratér
Women- Ωīmīn
Men- Mēn
Onyx- Ānīks
Polonium- Πūλoneūm
Child- Xiūld
Simple sentences.
Regular English: FSE:
I want you to eat my cake. I ωānt u tô et mi kak.
See spot run. Se Spāt rūn.
I am filled with joy. I ám fīλd ωīθ jø.
Tristan Alexander Arts Trīstán Ālēkzándér Ārts
Fayanora Фaūnörū
Фrīgīn Sīmpūλ Īŋλīʃ - A sīmpλūfid Īŋλīʃ rītēn λaŋωidj. (Friggin Simple English - A simplified English written language.)
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