
Oct 14, 2014 19:39

Well, a few days ago I had a pretty productive time of things. Rewrote chapter 11 of my Lyria novel because I didn't like a single thing about it, finished editing the existing chapters, finished chapter 17 (well, not 100%, but 99%), and renamed the Ghost chapter as chapter 18.

Today I was going to go out and add to chapter 11, fix the formatting on chapter 16, wrap up the last 1% of chapter 17, and start editing chapter 18. I did not have my info file on me when I wrote chapter 18, so a bunch of names of things are just [placeholders] at the moment, because I could not remember the names offhand. Also, there's a small continuity error in chapter 18, an easy fix.

However, I did not get to do that. I had an other IBS incident, nothing major, just enough to keep me from going out, though. Being out on my own in public writing, if I went in such a condition, I'd be getting up to go to the bathroom every few minutes, and at the Safeway I do most of my work at, the bathroom is on the other side of the very large store from the deli seating area. And I have so much stuff with me when I go out that it's a big annoyance to get up for anything. (My green grocery bag with my sunglasses and some other things in it, the messenger bag I keep my Dana and my Nook in, my cloak, and sometimes my umbrella; doesn't sound like a lot, but it is, and I would not trust it to be there on its own while I was in the restroom, someone would surely steal it.)

This kind of thing makes me wish I could focus on writing at home. Which, I guess I kinda can, but not well; there's really nowhere comfortable to sit. What';s odd is I am most comfortable writing in a straight-backed metal chair pulled up to a table. I don't have that kind of thing at home. I have a pair of desks in my room, but one has my computer on it, and the other... there isn't enough room between it and the bookshelf to sit. I suppose I could move them a little, but there's already barely any room between the computer chair and the fan behind it, which is right by the wall.

And I could use my bed, but I'd have to be on my belly, and that I can only do for so long before I have to get up again.

So yeah, today might have been productive if I had somewhere in the apartment to sit and write comfortably, without having to move the computer.

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lyria, fantasy, productivity

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