Well I've done some new art recently. First, I traced over an old picture I'd scanned in of Shao'Kehn so I could improve it by colorizing it. Then I did a picture of Jiijiinis and Alorno, deities of Health and Healing. I *was* gonna give them coral skin, but the set of corals/pinks I chose looked weird on them. So I changed to something more human. That annoys me, because I wanted non-human colors, but oh well. At least their hair is still green.
By the way, in case you forgot, Jiijiinis and Alorno are Vaishan, meaning their appearance - like Earth Chinese or Japanese people - is basically what people of the continent of Vaish tend to look like.
I am very proud of the Shao'Kehn pic for one important reason. For a long time, I have known in my mind's eye that Shao'Kehn's eyes are like backlit amber, and I have finally managed to figure out how to make Her eyes look backlit! WEE!!! Partly it was getting the right colors and doing them right, second part of it was putting some of the eye color in Her face's skin to suggest light from Her eyes lighting up Her face.
The original scan
is here for comparison. (And yes, I made Her "grahbihn" larger. That green thing is NOT a snake or a worm. It's Zir "member.")
Close-up of Her eyes:
I used a copy of the file to make this, the first thing Ahndahn saw the first time She met Shao'Kehn:1
Jiijiinis and Alorno:
Close-up of their eyes:
1 = When Shao'Kehn first came out of The Chaos, She was VERY angry, and challenged Ahndahn (the source of Her fury) to a duel. They fought and fought, neither winning, then fell in love with each other. Now they work together to keep the Universe balanced. The "Angry Eyes" picture is a representation of what Ahndahn saw when Shao'Kehn first arose.
This was cross-posted from
http://fayanora.dreamwidth.org/1206988.html You can comment either here or there.