Nov 30, 2013 19:44

Wow! I just found that the English language DOES have the "dj" sound of TPNN, and IPA has a symbol for it:

ʒ = pleasure, vision

( IPA symbols/sounds here: )

So here are some words from TPNN, in IPA:

Shao'Kehn = ʃaʊ-ken
Djao'Kain = ʒaʊ-keɪn
djai = ʒeɪ
djair = ʒeəʳ
Shyao'Shyo = ʃjaʊ-ʃjoʊ
Shoi'kiin = ʃɔɪ-ki:n
shyeh'hyeh'gahr [ʃje-hje-gɑ:r] (word for "element.")

Only thing I can't find is a symbol that represents the throat-clearing sound I borrowed from Arabic for TPNN. Oh, and a symbol for the cross between R and L that appears sometimes in TPNN.

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constructed languages, ipa, tpnn, conlangs

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