Ten little humans

Aug 09, 2013 17:00

Corrected version of "ten little humans":

Ahl piik, tahl piik, zahl piik da-dwahtaim,
Kahl piik, mahl piik, ors1 piik da-dwahtaim,
Ahl-ors piik, tahl-ors piik, zahl-ors piik da-dwahtaim,
Kahl-ors piik da-dwahtaim flo thiiah 'glorai!

(Keep in mind, Traipahni numbers are base 6, IE digits 0-5 with 6 being called 10 and so on)

One little, two little, three little humans,
Four little, five little, ten little humans,
Eleven little, twelve little, thirteen little humans,
Fourteen little humans in my sight!

(Fourteen in base 6 being 10 in base 10)

Thus, BASE 10 translation:

One little, two little, three little humans,
Four little, five little, six little humans.
Seven little, eight little, nine little humans,
Ten little humans in my sight!

1 = "Ors" rhymes with "horse."

This was cross-posted from http://fayanora.dreamwidth.org/1157450.html
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base 6, traipah, tpnn, numbers, linguistics, xenolinguistics, language

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