Okay... something has been missing from TPNN for all this time, and I can't believe it's taken me this long to realize it. But I finally realized it last night on my way back from the pagan meetup, while planning something in my head. I was getting annoyed because I couldn't decide if I wanted to use singular or plural pronouns for our collective, and both had their pros and cons. Then I did a facepalm as I realized what I needed to do. Especially since multiplicity is more common on Traipah. (It's at least as common there as homosexuality/bisexuality is here.)
So now, I have some "singulaplural" (singular AND plural) pronouns for Trai'Pahg'Nan'Nog, specifically for use by/with multiple groups. And here they are...
(Examples will be mostly in English because I intend to use these new pronouns!)
For use BY multiple groups, when referring to themselves:
Sha'az (shah-ahz) = I/we (alternative "shaaz")
Shiiah (she-uh) = my/ours mine/ours
A. Shaaz think that you're not being very respectful of shiiah feelings.
B. Some day shaaz will get shiiah-self a cat.
For use when referring to multiple groups:
Gry = Them/they/she/he
Grair = their/his/hers
A. Gry said I wasn't being respectful of grair feelings, but that's just because I had a headache. Can you get gry the message?
B. I really like grair cat. I wonder where gry got it?
Adding second person singulaplurals, which could be used for more than just multiples:
Goh - you/y'all
Griiah - your/y'all's
(For non-multiples, or unknowns, TPNN still uses "thiin (theen)" for "I/me," "thiiah (thee-ah)" for "my," "grehn" for "we," and "grehj" for "our." "They" is "uugaam (oo-gahm)," and "their" is "sada (say-dah)" or "uugahnihn (oo-gone-in).")
This was cross-posted from
http://fayanora.dreamwidth.org/1146766.html You can comment either here or there.