How informed should we be???

Oct 17, 2005 05:46

Dude on a duvet
Originally uploaded by Princess_niffer.

A few weeks ago, Richie cried all the way to vets to have his annual booster shots, and managed to hold his bladder until we were two minutes away from home (then fell over and slid around in his puddley cage!).
On Friday, I noticed that there is a lump on his back, where the injection site was.

I've done some research on the internet about cat lumps, not really relating to the vaccine until I saw this.

As a responsible cat owner, I've had the right snips, shots, ear mite, flea and worm removers, all given to my cats as advised by the veterinarians of this country but I have never been advised of any ill effects other than sleepyness and sniffles. Surely I should have been told that by paying £100 a year per cat, I could actually be giving them cancer!

I see the logic that without the vaccinations, the cats could get ill a lot more easily, but whose choice is it to make?

In an ideal world - yes it would be the cats choice, (but do we give children the choice?)
but cats can't talk therefore it's left to the "owners" to decide how to care for the welfare of the cat. I pay a lot to keep my cats healthy so surely the vet has a responsibility to inform me!
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