screaming heard behind the headphones

Jan 18, 2005 19:42

i am a drowneded rat.
i look like one any way, i had to walk home with ally and laura (as well as the sib and her boy)because the roads are (quite obviously) ice sheets coverd in water. much thanx to jason for lending me two umbrellas (and anyone else who whose umbrella he lent me).am very stoked about my skits for acting class (acting in cells and directing my own) mines a commercial for 'breast enhancement gel' (dont ask) and cells is about a spray that erases a guys sex drive (my idea...i was just throwing out random shit... she took it and made it great)were both kinda using storylines with gamers (convinient because the majority of our class are...well mega geeks)ive got dibs on laura,dustin,and justin, so yeah, rock on.

allyson tells me that im getting too involved with my 'miami vice' fixation, shes never seen me in an obsesive state this bad befor apperently, i cant say i blame her izactly, i am rather frightening i suppose, but then alternate reality has its advantages, less bitchy people and secret whispers ment to be overheard for example... sorry, strange thoughts lately. all i can say is that at least ally didnt really know me during my manga days...*shudders* look back at my older entrys, if the vision isnt clearly enough eched into your brain.
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