Jan 07, 2005 18:19
"pick up a pen and fight a war for the right to dream...i was 17"
lyrics from one of my favorite songs...it seemed appropriate for today.
did i tell you about csi yesterday? twas enjoyable beyond concievable reconing (see? i can talk elegantly when i want to...still cant spell however)it had sherlock holmes refrences it ^_^ makes me smile because i read the compleat works in 7th grade and they were my favorite stories for like...2 years?now i want to start a group to discuss and solve sensational victoria murders...
of course greg was another reason i smiled, because greg is sexamalicious ^_^
now i must take my leave as i have conned...i mean "convinced" allyson and sabrina to come over and spend friday night watching a star wars marathon, i will turn them to the dork side yet! (curse my affection for horrible puns!)