Jan 29, 2007 14:20
so i just got done taking the hardest test of my life! it was sooooooo freaking stupid. i studied probably like 4-5 hours collectively over lecture notes, my own book outlines, practice tests, and powerpoints and i really dont know why because there were questions on the test over material that we've never discussed or seen before. we were given fair warning that there would be material from the text included on the exam that we would not talk about in lecture sooo for this reason, i read my text quite analytically might i add, but that was of course futile because as i previously mentioned mysterious, unknown subject matter somehow appeared on the page before my eyes. screw studying. why waste my time with material that i will never be tested on? this is BS and i fully intent to contest his shotty questions in class on wednesday and particularly inquire as to where exactly these items can be cited in the text. i am extremely pissed off right now because when i study, i do not do poorly. it just doesnt happen. i am appalled that this man calls himself a fair professor and guffawing that the fact the he gave us a whole schpel on reliability and how a reliable test should reflect a subjects true knowledge with as little error as possible. Well, i guess my professor is a flipping idiot becuase he has no idea how to create a reliable examination. maybe he should go back to research methods for a little review. unfortunately no competant professor exists familiar with this subject matter at this university so he will be unsuccessful in his quest for honest instruction. as am i. thank you and good night!