leaving town...

May 16, 2006 17:22

This is Alison Mills...signing off from Austin, TX. :( This year has been... incredible. amazing. I can only hope that next year will compare. But i have high hopes. :) And summer will be good, and i'll be back here before i know it.

Good bye, Austin, where every day (except sunday) you can find a sushi happy hour, where there are no seasons, where the home of LHB is and the national champions reside :) , where you can get a gi-normous cupcake at Quacks, star gaze from the top of RLM, drive down the suburban streets around campus and not know your in texas...i could go on and on.

But best yet...where Alison now has a million and two fantastic memories with many more to come.

Good bye, Austin, and everything in it. I *heart* you and i shall return.

And just as i began, i leave you with this...

'Cause I remember how we drank time together
And how you used to say that the stars are forever
And day dreamed about how to make your life better
By leaving town, leaving town...
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