May 29, 2003 16:20

" something happens up there "
I heard the strange noise from the roof of the dorm, while i was talking to old friends who are now all 4th year medical students.
"let's take a look" somebody said that in the horror movie tone.

everybody became excited, even me who got just an hour left before i had to go back to G.mom's room in this hospital ((which was...the building nextdoor)), i agreed we should "check it out"

We walked along the dark narrow stair leading to the top of the building.
Nobody said a word.

The roof top of the dorm is a huge flat space.
nothing's there except for the great scene from the night lights of the twin bridges on the other side of the city of Bangkok.

"how beautiful" Bright said.
"i never known you have a romantic side" i told him.
Num laughed at my words---things seemed to be more relaxing.

I turned back to the doorway.

then the candles were lit, and then traditional happy birthday song were sung.

"you tricked me!" louise shouted...so did i.

it's not my b-day --not even louise's
his was25th and mine was 31th.
our friends devided it in half and decided to held the party last night May28th

on the cake said
"your faults--your birthdates were too close!"

-Tarn was holding the glass filled with ice-Bacardi..singing...yes, drunk.
-T-May was talking on the phone in the dark corner of the roof top.
-Bigg had to go back early and he called T-may afterward,((?))
-Pla was trying to open the bottle of wine, which nobody liked it...so he had to drink it all by himself.
-Num was playing guitar with the help of the little candles light to see the cords.
-Duce was using his thought about something...i believe i know what's on his mind.
we somehow share the same world..but not exact.
-Ple was drinking ice-water. the most conciuos person among us.

The favorite song we sung 3yrs ago was brought up again last night.
the song was sung again by the same group of people.

This saturday i'll be a year older!
great to feel that somebody's gettin' old along with me
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