Generally disinterested in humanity at this point...

May 18, 2007 18:24

I am beginning to go inside of myself just as I feared. I have no desire to socialize with any of the people I have been surrounding myself with recently. I am again tired of trying to play the part of interested companion. I don't want to hear that fucking story again. I just don't have it in me to give a fuck.
I am looking forward to visiting my family at my baby shower, but also not looking forward to the possibilities of having to tell some blood relative to shut the hell up or punch someone in the throat. Hopefully none of this will happen. I've never heard a baby shower story that included engaging in fisticuffs...
I am irritated with my mother-in-law for choosing to go camping t the last minute with a friend she "doesn't really like" instead of coming to the shower. I am also irritated with everyone I have talked to outside of my house for the last three weeks or so.
I got a massage yesterday, which was painful but helpful. My hips must have been rotated backward about seven hundred times. I can actually sit down without screaming from my broken tailbone today. I find it funny that I still can't say "ow, too hard" while getting a massage. I just try harder to relax and tell myself it will feel good later. What the fuck is wrong with me?
Baby Sofia is taking up all the space in my abdomen now, but I don't really mind. She makes sitting still an adventure! I can't wait to hold her and tell her for twenty-five years about how uncomfortable she made me, like some sort of uncaring parent I see so often at the grocery store. Just kidding, of course.
I'm going to take all of the free time I have allotted myself to finish all of my art projects and maybe get Johnny to move the couch again...
I wish I would have realized before that I can have all the time I want to myself if I just fuck everything off and cancel appointments left and right without re-scheduling. Who needs to waste all of that time feeling bored?
Fuck socializing, I say!
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