Who's Phone Is That?

Sep 14, 2010 10:49

A funny thing just happened at work.

Until Thursday, I'm on Staff Duty.  Basically, it's a weekly rotation of extra things that need to be done around the work place, like being the first one here and the last to leave, and a bunch of other stuff.  One of the other things you have to do is carry another cell phone in order to be reached on whenever you're needed.

Well, at work, I always leave my cell phones on my desk.  So, a little while ago, I was talking to a co-worker away from my desk when the thing when off.  But, I didn't answer it, because I didn't recognize the ringtone, and I figured it was Gaby's (another co-worker) phone going and she was ignoring it.  Someone called five times before MY phone went off and I answered it immediately.  It's then that I figured out that the phone that was ringing for the past ten minutes was the Staff Duty phone.  So I ran off and did the quick errand.

When I got back, I told the Gaby I didn't answer the phone because I thought it was her's.  And, I wasn't sure how many times someone tried to get ahold of me.  She told me it was about five times.  Then I asked her why she didn't tell me the phone was ringing.  She said she was about to, but figured it was MY actual phone and I was just ignoring it.

Assumptions can be pretty amusing at times. :P


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