Wow, apparently I stop following what's going on the in fandom for a few days and another bomb goes off. Well, this one really wasn't a bomb, so much as a lost relic from the ancient days that someone accidently tripped on and set off a massive explosion of fursecution. So, here's what I think about the whole situation...
Seriously, I've ranted about this stuff before, so I'm not even going to touch the topic. Instead, I'll just give a short update. Life is still chaotic and hectic as always. I've found out that I really don't have free time until November, however, a lot of those weekends are filled-up with Halloween events. Apparently, I've got three Halloween-type events that I'm going to this month.
Tonight is also the last night of the show that I've been doing the sound on. It's become very boring, seeing the same show, over and over and over, but at least it's done with after tonight. Next weekend, the theatre troupe is going to Kaiserslaughten to perform in the One Act Festival, which, the more I hear about it, the more interested I am in it. It's basically an acting competation, and it's got some interesting rules. Apparently, the whole crew has to get in a 10x10 box (not sure if that's feet or meters) with all of the equipment, backgrounds, etc. etc. Then, they have 10 minutes to get the ENTIRE stage set-up, afterwhich, they have to perform their show in under 60 minutes, then they get 10 minutes to breakdown the set, and get all of the equipment AND people back into the box. Either way, it should be fun.
However, that does lead me to what the heck I'm going to do that weekend. I need to either get a hotel in the region, or find someone to stay with. And, since the event isn't until 1900 on Saturday, that gives me Friday night free for the most part in case something comes up.
Well, back to work. I've been here an hour longer then I should have an I'm nowhere near done. But, then again, it's not because I'm busy, but because I'm slacking. I have to be at the theatre in three hours, so no real rush to get home.