Past Weeknd and Week to Come

Sep 21, 2009 10:58

So, this last week, I was contacted by bigbluefoxabout going to Paris to timduru's place for some kind of crazy idea that someone sparked up.  Even though I was pretty much in the dark about what was going to happen, I shuffled some things around on my schedule, to make time to go.  Although, right before everyone was getting ready to leave, it looked like I wouldn't be able to make it, but thanks to a HUGE favor from kenai, I was able to go.

Well, we got to Tim's somewhere around 2 AM on Saturday, and we greeted by a slew of new meerkats that are infesting inhabiting the manor.  So, it was the typical, meh, don't want to do anything, sit around and chat, and scavage the manor for something alcoholic.  The search turned up a bottle of wine that was... well... it was at least alcoholic.  But, Tim did bring out another bottle which we (mostly me) polished off.  And, we mostly all went to bed after that.

After we got up that morning, we all started to head out to Djem's place in order to start the project.  Since this wasn't my idea, I'm not really going to talk about it.  But, it was a blast to do, and an interesting experience to say the least.  After all of the filming was done with, we headed upstairs to relax, watch a bit of the raw footage and listen to various people play on Djem's turntables.  Djem, Deoloup, and Timduru all started to make dinner that night, and after a delicious meal of, well, meat in a croissant, BBF was surprized with a place of apricots with chocolate for his birthday, which led to an interesting (and fun) dessert.

We finally started to head back to Timduru's somewhere around 11 that night, and I really don't remember much after that.  I was feeling completely exhausted all weekend, and it showed when I slept for a solid 10+ hours that night.  By the time I woke up, it was already time to leave with Kenai.  I was so out of it though, that I wasn't exactly thinking straight when we were leaving.  Since Kenai had already grabbed my fursuit case, I didn't even think about grabbing anything else.  Just as we were getting ready to pull out, I remembered I forgot my computer.  However, it wasn't until I got back home that I realized that I left my bag with all of my clothes in it back at Tim's.  Luckily, BBF was still there and he was about to meet me on his way back so I could get it back.

Well, between a drive up to Brussels and staying online after getting home that night, I didn't get to sleep until 3:30 this morning and had to get up 3 hours later.  I'm kind of regreting it, as I forgot that this week is full packed.  I decided to help out with my local theatre troupe again, but not acting this time.  I really don't have the time that's needed to put on a show as an actor, so I asked what else they needed.  Well, apparently, they needed someone to work the sound board.  They have someone for sound design, but not someone to actually work the board, so I said that I have a (very) little experience with that, so as long as I get some time before the shows, I should be able to do it.  Well, the 'tech' day was yesterday, and I had to miss it because of the weekend plans, so I'm going to the theatre today right after work to play with the board.  And, for the next three days are full dress rehearsals, so I'm not really that worried about it.  Hopefully, I'm not getting in over my head.  But, the next three weekends are going to be dealing with that show, with the third and final weekend being in Kaiserslaughten, where the show will compete against other One Act shows for various awards.  Should be interesting, but I need to figure out what I'm going to do that weekend, considering the only thing I really need to do is the show.

Well, work is finally slowing down, mostly due to the fact that we have had quite a bit of new personel coming in, and that I don't have the responsibilities anymore that I once had.  Although, I'm not making the schedule at work anymore, which really sucks considering I'm not even sure what days I'm going to have to work next month, let alone towards the end of the year.  But, I've been finding myself less and less on the internet, mostly due to training and always having someone near my computer monitor.

furmeet, work, weekend, fursuit

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