May 24, 2005 18:59
1. How do you make yourself put up with school so long?
Put up with school? Nah, its fun when you study what you want. Stressful sometimes, but seriously, go to work instead of studying number theory, fourier analysis, or women's studies? no chance.
2. Would you ally with Russia or attack them?
The only way I would ally with Russia is if it were to be against Bulgaria (but then again, who needs to ally against such small and insignificant country?)
3. If you could meet one person, fictional or real, dead or living, who would it be, why, and what would you talk about with them?
Wow... one person... suppose it could be Jesus, Bernoulli, Euler, Bismark, .... lots of great choices (Yoda or Capn Jack), but i'd go with Will... I guess I'd want to talk to him about his journeys, but mostly about his relationship with Lyra interestingly enough... anyway, my 2 cents
4. You are walking across the street and you see a real live dinosaur! (oh no!) What do you do?
Know that I am probably the first person to know for sure that dinosaurs were actually hot pink (fossils don't have skin, green is just a guess) :)
5. Describe your favorite memory from either AP European History or the orchestra trip last year.
The eraser throwing... the odd phone calls... the people accompanying me around the park... can't choose just one (although, i know recall Kelly talking about Brad Pitt's body, that was up there).
Anyone want to interview? Here are the rules:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions *and* leave the answers as comments on my LJ.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions