drabble meme

Jan 20, 2010 23:46

I so snurched this from padfootthegrim  after asking for a drabble from her meme... here we go!

The first TEN people to comment in this post get to request that I write a drabble of any pairing/character of their choosing. In return, they have to post this in their journal, regardless of their ability level.

I DO NOT write femmeslash and I prefer not to write het... although I have before. If you ask for het, it may suck!

Here's what you can choose from:
or any other pairing (except vala/sam)

McShep (DUH!)
If you request anything with Keller, she will probably die before the end of the drabble... especially if you ask for Mckeller!
NOTHING with Kavanaugh!
Again, no femmeslash, although if I had to choose between Femmeslash and Sheyla... femmeslash all the way! on that note...
NO John with female character.

The Invisible Man:
NO Official/Eberts (cause that's just wrong.) In fact....
NO Official/anybody

The only thing I'm against in this fandom is femmeslash, although I'd be more willing to write it here than anywhere else.

My faves are Trip/Malcolm and Trip/Archer
I'd prefer NOT to write Trip/T'pol!

NO Tosh/Gwen! *gag*

It's been a thousand years since I've watched those episodes, so this may not be the bestest ever.

Quantum Leap:
This one can be used basically as a cross over thing cause It'd be hard to have Sam fuck Al...

there you go... anything beyond that stuff is un-do-able :) sorry.


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