Fic: In a Tree-Day 19 of Sex on the Fly Rated R

Jun 20, 2009 13:58

In a tree-Day 19 of Sex on the Fly

Rated: R

Word count: 4,040

Genre: First time

Warnings: Public Sex (sort of...)

Disclaimer: They’re not mine; I’m just playing with them.

Summary: John looked down at the people surrounding the base of the tree. It was a huge tree standing alone in the middle of a large empty field, and the team had managed to get up in the high branches thanks to Ronon, who could climb a tree like a bear.

A/N: I'm sorry this one is a day late... but it kind of got longer than I intended :)

John looked down at the people surrounding the base of the tree. It was a huge tree standing alone in the middle of a large empty field, and the team had managed to get up in the high branches thanks to Ronon, who could climb a tree like a bear.

“Don’t worry, Sheppard,” Ronon said from a couple branches below John. “These people can’t climb.”

“That’s good,” John replied.

“But their patience is well known throughout the galaxy,” Teyla commented from directly above John. “It is likely that we will be trapped in this tree for a very long time.”

“Unless we give them what they want,” Ronon said.

“No!” Rodney shouted from his branch beside John’s and gripped the tree tighter.

“Don’t worry, Rodney,” John said comfortingly. “They’re not going to touch you.”

“Come on, McKay,” Ronon goaded, “It wouldn’t take that long and then we can go home and you can eat a hot meal and take a shower and-”

“Ronon!” John snapped. “Stop it, they’re not touching him!”

“What’s the matter with these people anyway?” Rodney asked. “Why do they only want me?”

“They believe that sacrificing virginity appeases the wraith, this planet has not been culled in several generations.” Teyla explained calmly.

“But why me? I’m no more a virgin than any of you are.”

“They see the female body as sacred because it brings life.”

“On Seteda, we have less taboos than your people,” Ronon supplied. “Not to mention, as a runner, you take what you can get.”

“What does that have to do with them thinking I’m a virgin?”

“They’re not talking about sex with the opposite sex,” John said softly.

Rodney looked completely horrified. “Oh my god, they want *that* kind of virginity?”

“Yup,” Ronon said almost happily.

“Well, what about John?”

John cleared his throat and Ronon suddenly found the people below them very interesting.

“What?” Rodney said. “It’s a fair question! Do they only need one virgin? Why not John? They can’t possibly care that he’s in the US military!”

“Um, Rodney…” John tried.

“No, you’re always trying to take our place if some obscure culture has our necks on the chopping block, but your ass is too much? You’d allow yourself to be killed in our place but when it comes to getting fucked in the ass we’re on our own?”


“Why am I the one they want?” Rodney interrupted him. “Will someone please ask the cavemen below us what’s so special about me? John’s better looking!”

“I’m not a virgin, Rodney!” John shouted ungracefully.

“Oh,” Rodney said, stunned, after a moment of silence. Then it hit him, “Oh! You’re… you’re… gay?”

“I’m bi-sexual, Rodney. Sex is sex, as long as it’s consensual and enjoyable for both parties. Of course I have to have feelings for the other person, but in a dry spell, a one night stand works too.”

“First, that’s more information than I ever needed to know. Second, do you really expect me to believe that you have dry spells? Come on, have you ever looked in a mirror? Aside from your crazy hair, you’re gorgeous! And even the hair has its good points.”

The people below began chanting something in another language and Rodney groaned and hugged the tree tighter.

“Don’t worry, Rodney. When we’re late Woolsey will call and we’ll tell him to send a Jumper for us,” John said.

“We won’t be late for another five hours,” Rodney told him hopelessly. “I don’t think I can sit in this tree for another five hours. Not to mention, I ate my last power bar.”

“There is one way that we can get home on time,” Ronon said, and for the first time that day, his tone wasn’t mocking.

“No, Ronon,” John said firmly.

“John,” Teyla soothed. “It is the best option. The people of this planet would get what they require, a member of the team would be much more caring of Rodney’s wellbeing both emotionally and physically, and we would be able to leave this planet unharmed.”

“No, Teyla! I’m not going to make Rodney do anything he’s not willing to do. We’ll wait it out.”

“Sheppard, these people aren’t going to leave until they get what they want,” Ronon said.

John shook his head, ran his hand over his hair and sighed; he hated being put in these kinds of positions. Rodney was right, he was always willing to die in place of his team mates, and he’d take Rodney’s place now if he could. He’d willingly jump out of the tree and strip; he’d let those people do with him whatever they wanted if it meant Rodney would be off the hook.

He turned his head toward Rodney only to find an empty branch and for a moment he panicked, thinking Rodney had gotten out of the tree in order to get the team home, which seemed to be what Ronon and Teyla were worried about, that thought made John angry.

“Rodney?” John called; his worry could be heard in his voice. He heard a quiet whimper and looked up. At some point during their discussion, not that John was discussing anything at all; Rodney had climbed further up the tree. He was now two branches above Teyla.

John watched as Rodney wrapped his arms around the thick trunk as far as possible; it looked like he was shaking and he looked terrified. John glared at Teyla and then down at Ronon.

“I don’t want to hear another word out of either of you,” He growled.

“Sheppard,” Ronon began his protest.

“That’s an order!” John shouted. He carefully stood up and climbed up the tree to Rodney, moving from branch to branch. They got closer together the higher up the tree they went.

“Hey buddy,” He said softly as he settled on the branch closest to Rodney’s.

“I don’t want to go down there, John,” Rodney whispered.

“You don’t have to. I can send Ronon to the gate, he’s fast, he can go back to Atlantis and bring back some marines.”

“They’re fast too, John. We barely made it to this tree before they caught up. And they may not have guns or arrows, but they’re good with what they do have. I took a rock to the back while we were running, it still hurts. They’d be on him before he got the gate dialed, we can’t do that.”


“No, John. Ronon and Teyla are right, there’s only one way out of this.” He lowered his eyes and shook his head. “I’d rather it be you than one of them.” He huffed out a quick laugh and leveled his eyes at John. “I’d rather it be you than Ronon,” he added

“I’m not going to do that, Rodney,” John said, shaking his head. “I’m not going to have sex with you just because we’re on some fucked up planet where rape is a cultural pastime.”

“It’s not rape if I agree to it,” Rodney said quietly.

“But it is if you agreed to it because you were forced to,” John argued.

“Don’t you… you don’t… have feelings for me?” Rodney asked softly.

“Rodney,” John said; he closed his eyes and tightened his lips. “Please don’t.”

“You don’t want to have sex with me?” Rodney sounded as if he may be edging toward anger.

“Stop,” the word was pushed out through clenched teeth. “Please.”

“Not even if it would keep me from being raped?”

“Rodney, please!”

“John, it’s going to happen, I’d like it to be you, but if you don’t like me enough to save my ass, literally, then it’ll be one of them.”

“Rodney,” John whispered. His eyes were closed and he had his head leaned forward, resting the front of his head against the tree trunk, he took a deep breath. “I’ve wanted to have sex with you for a long time.” He moved his head, twisting it against the bark, his eyes were open now but he wasn’t looking at Rodney. “I just wanted you to want it too, and not because I was the best option.”

“John,” Rodney sighed. He took a deep breath and began again. “After my relationship with Katie, and then that thing with Keller… they were both abysmal failures. I took some time to think about myself and why I was so horrible to be with. I thought about the last two years of my life, and I realized that, I didn’t want to be there. I didn’t want to be with either of them, I didn’t propose to Katie because I knew something was wrong with that situation. I just blamed it on my issues; I didn’t think to examine it further.”

“What are you talking about, Rodney?” John still didn’t look at him, but he’d lifted his head off the tree.

“There’s one person who’s been a constant in my life since coming to Atlantis, one person who has never tried to change me or make me into something I’m not. One person who has made me stronger, given me the chance to learn things that I wouldn’t have otherwise had the opportunity to learn, one person who has never asked more of me than he knew I could give.”

John swallowed dryly and slowly turned his head toward Rodney. His mouth was open slightly, his heart was pounding in his chest and it felt like he couldn’t get enough air in his lungs.

“You’re that person, John. You’re the one I want to be with. I didn’t realize it until just now but, you’re the reason I wouldn’t commit to a relationship with the last two women in my life.”

“Rodney-” John said breathily.

“Granted, in front of Ronon and Teyla, with an entire civilization below us isn’t my idea of the ideal first sexual encounter, but we take what we can get, right?”

John’s mind was racing; he couldn’t process the thoughts he was having. He was sitting there, straddling a tree branch and staring, open mouthed, at the man he’d been wanting for the past five years.

“John?” Rodney spoke gently and touched John’s knee.

John closed his eyes and mouth and shook his head.

“Rodney,” he said.

“So,” Rodney said and cocked his head to the side. “Do you think we can get on with this? Take my virginity just enough for me to not be a virgin anymore, then we can do it properly when we don’t have an audience.”

“Rodney,” John said and shook his head. “Don’t fuck with me; don’t say things you don’t mean. If you want me to do this just so those people down there won’t want you anymore, just say it.”

“I’m not fucking with you, John. I’ve been getting hard to thoughts of you for the past several months. I’ve wanted this for awhile now, I just… well, I had no idea you were… I didn’t know if you’d… you don’t display any signs of…”

“Rodney,” John sighed. “It’s okay, I get it.”

“Do you believe me? I want you, John. You do believe me, right?”

“Yes, Rodney, I believe you.”

“Good,” Rodney sighed.


John looked down at Ronon; he’d climbed up a few branches and was now on the branch beside Teyla’s. John caught the thing Ronon tossed up to him and then looked at Ronon with surprise when he saw a tube of KY in his hand.

“You just carry this stuff around all the time?” He asked.

Ronon shrugged. “You never know when you’ll need it.”

John shook his head unbelievingly, and then looked at Rodney. “You’re sure about this?”

“John, it’s either going to be you or them, I’d rather it be you, and not just for the reasons we just discussed. You’ll take care, you’ll… be gentle.”

John nodded. “Yeah, I will.”

John stood up and moved over to Rodney’s branch; he settled himself behind Rodney and rested his hands on Rodney’s hips. He closed his eyes and leaned in close, breathing in Rodney’s scent. It was a scent he’d burnt into his memory from tiny little snatches whenever he could afford to smell Rodney discreetly. The things Rodney had just said finally clicked into place in John’s head, his stomach fluttered and he closed his eyes. He inhaled deeply, burying his nose in Rodney’s hair and kissing the back of Rodney’s neck.

Rodney gasped and shivered.

“You okay?” John whispered.

“Yeah,” Rodney whispered back. “The back of my neck is really sensitive.”

“Okay,” John replied and filed the information away for later use.

Ronon grunted beneath them and fired his weapon. John looked down and saw some of the villagers throwing rocks up into the branches.

“What happened to that galaxy renowned patience?” John snapped.

“I did not say that they would not take steps to get us out of the tree, just that they would wait at the base until we were.”

“Details, Teyla!”

“I apologize.”

“Rodney,” John said softly. “Looks like we’re going to have to speed things up a little. I’m sorry.”

Rodney shook his head. “It’s okay,” he said and pushed against the tree. He stood up and balanced himself on the wide branch and leaned his hands against the trunk.

John sighed and got to his feet behind Rodney. He’d imagined a lot of scenarios for his and Rodney’s first time, but this wasn’t one of them. In his head, they were always alone, in a dimly lit room, usually on Atlantis, but on Earth from time to time, but never, even in his wildest fantasies, had he ever imagined having sex with Rodney, in a tree.

He reached around Rodney and unbuttoned his pants, he didn’t want to be too erotic because of the situation, but he didn’t want Rodney’s first time to be too clinical.

Ronon fired his weapon again and John jumped slightly. He pushed Rodney’s pants and boxers to his knees.

“I’m sorry, Rodney,” he said in Rodney’s ear. “It shouldn’t be this way.”

“Stop apologizing, John. It’s not going to change the situation.”

“You’re right,” John replied and unbuttoned his own fly; he pushed his pants down and lubed up his fingers. “Alright, Rodney,” he said and touched the tip of one finger to Rodney’s hole. “One finger to start.” He pressed in to the first knuckle. Rodney gasped and tightened around John’s finger. “Its okay, Rodney, loosen up.”

Rodney breathed deeply, the muscles in his ass loosening a little with each exhale.

“Good,” John praised and ran his hand down Rodney’s back. He gently pushed his finger in further and Rodney whimpered.

John moved his hand back up to Rodney’s shoulder and gently squeezed. He twisted his finger and circled the muscle until it wasn’t such a tight fit. “You doing okay, Rodney?” He asked.

Rodney didn’t speak, but he nodded quickly.

“Good. Okay, another finger,” John told Rodney and pressed his middle finger into him.

Rodney gasped again and John could see his fingers tighten on the bark of the trunk, but he didn’t squeeze John’s fingers.

“You’re doing good, McKay,” Ronon said from below them.

“Oh God,” Rodney groaned and tightened his muscles around John’s fingers.

“Shut up, Ronon,” John ordered and leaned into Rodney. “Alright, Rodney,” He said softly in Rodney’s ear. “Close your eyes.”

“No I… I don’t do well with having my eyes closed… when I’m up high,” Rodney explained frantically.

“You’re alright. I’ve got you, I won’t let you fall, now close your eyes.”

John heard a click when Rodney swallowed, then Rodney nodded slightly. “Okay,” he said.

“We’re on Atlantis,” John whispered, his lips against Rodney’s ear. “We’re safe in your room, just the two of us.”

Rodney’s muscles loosened a bit and John began circling his fingers again, pushing in slowly.

“You’re leaning against the wall,” John continued. “We’re standing on the nice, solid floor.”

Rodney loosened even more.

“I’m going to add a third finger now.”

“No,” Rodney breathed. “That’s too much.”

“It’ll be okay, Rodney. Trust me.”

“I do,” Rodney sighed.

“Good.” John pulled his fingers out to the first knuckle and pressed a third one in.

Rodney hissed and grunted.

“It’s okay,” John said and stopped moving his fingers. “Tell me when you’re ready.” He remained completely motionless, except for the fingers kneading Rodney’s tight shoulder, even when the muscles around his fingers stopped squeezing.

“Okay,” Rodney breathed after another moment. “I’m ready.”

John pushed the fingers in slowly, pressing out against the muscles and he slid forward. He decided to show Rodney that there was pleasure to be had in their current position, and the tip of his middle finger grazed Rodney’s prostate.

Rodney grunted and bucked forward, hugging the tree tighter.

“Fuck,” he spat surprised. “What the hell did you do?” he asked.

“That was your prostate,” John told him. “Do you want me to do that again?”

“Yeah,” Rodney breathed, “Please.”

John repeated the action and felt Rodney shiver. “Do you like that?” he asked seductively.

“Yes,” Rodney sighed. “Do it again.”

John did, and Rodney moaned, the sound vibrated against John’s chest.

“Think you’re ready?” John asked.

“I don’t know,” Rodney replied honestly.

“I’ll go slow,” John promised. He slowly pulled his fingers out of Rodney, and he couldn’t suppress the smile when Rodney groaned at the emptiness.

John carefully leaned down and retrieved the lube from his pants pocket where he’d stored it. He popped the cap and squeezed a generous amount onto his palm. He chucked the tube harder than necessary at the gaggle of people below them and bit his lip to hold in the laugh when one man slapped a hand over his eye.

To get his mind back in the right place, he closed his eyes as he lubed up his cock, and imagined that it was Rodney’s hand instead of his own. He breathed out a moan and gently stroked his aching erection.

“John,” Rodney spoke, drawing John back to the task at hand. He pulled his hand away from his dick and placed it on Rodney’s hip, his other hand on the opposite hip. He lined up, then took his lube slicked hand off Rodney’s hip and used it to run the head of his dick up and down the crack of Rodney’s ass.

Rodney made a small whimpering sound and pressed his hips back into John.

“Okay,” John said and pressed the head of his dick against Rodney’s hole. He bit his lip and groaned when he pushed the head in.

Rodney gasped quietly and John could tell by his breathing that he was fighting to keep from tightening up.

“Alright,” John soothed and gently began rolling his hips forward just a little, enough to keep the head sliding against the ring of muscle. “One smooth long push now, think about Atlantis,” John said as he began slowly pushing in. “We’re against the wall and I’m pushing my dick in your ass, Rodney. We’re all alone, just you and me. I’m filling you up, in your room.”

It took everything John had to talk calmly and not come as he pushed into Rodney. His ass was so tight, squeezing John’s dick. The dick that had been going semi-hard at the mere mention of Rodney’s name for years.

When John’s hips were pressed against Rodney’s ass, he moved both hands back to Rodney’s hips and leaned again him, resting his lips against the back of Rodney’s neck. He was breathing heavily at the effort to keep from coming, and he groaned long and low against Rodney’s neck.

“John,” Rodney spoke his name again.

“Mm?” John hummed.

“Are you okay?”

John wanted to laugh at the irony of it. He was taking Rodney’s virginity, and Rodney was asking him if he was okay. But he knew if he deviated from concentrating for even a moment, he’d come, and while he wanted this peep show to be over and moved into more private areas, he wasn’t quite ready just yet.

“I just...” He hissed in a breath and groaned. “I just need a minute,” the words were rushed and breathy.

“Okay,” Rodney said. “We’re in Atlantis… we’re in Atlantis… we’re in Atlantis…” he began whispering the words in the rhythm of the chanting from below.

“We’re in Atlantis… we’re in Atlantis… we’re in Atlantis…” John joined him and felt some of his control return. He groaned when he slowly pulled back and then pushed forward just as slowly.

Rodney grunted out a sigh and pulled himself closer to the tree as if trying to get away from John.

John pushed in and pulled out just as slowly several more times. The sound of the chanting villagers was drowned out by the sound of his blood rushed in his ears.

“Oh,” John grunted and hissed in another breath as he pushed into Rodney’s body. “This is good, Rodney,” he whispered. “You’re good. I can’t…” he sighed out a deep breath, “… I can’t believe I’m… finally doing this. After all those years of dreaming, and hoping and lusting, I have you, Rodney. I’m not letting you go.”

Rodney sighed and thrust forward when John’s dick touched that magical place again.

“Oh fuck,” Rodney grunted. His breathing was just as fast as John’s now and each of John’s slow thrusts was met by a moan from Rodney. “John,” Rodney said breathily. “I had no idea… You… UH,” He grunted when John poked his prostate again. “Oh shit,” Rodney said, “I think… I might… I’m gonna…”

John grunted harshly when Rodney’s ass tightened on him. He groaned his relief as he came heavily in Rodney’s body.

“Oh, ew, ay!” Came from below them. “Damn McKay,” Ronon was saying.

John leaned against Rodney’s back and tried to catch his breath. “Damn, Rodney,” he said between heaving breaths. “I didn’t… think… I’d last… long enough for you to… come first.”

Rodney moaned softly from his spot between John and the tree trunk.

“John,” Rodney asked.

“Yeah?” John returned.

“Um… barks a little rough.”

“Oh!” John said and leaned off of Rodney. “Sorry about that,” he said and slowly pulled out with a groan.

“Looks like the villagers got what they wanted,” Ronon’s deep voice said.

John looked down to see that the crowed had already thinned quite a bit.

“Good,” he said and pulled up his pants. “Let’s get the hell off this planet.”


Rodney had been fairly quiet on the walk back to the gate, of course John hadn’t expected him to say much, it was a bit of a walk and he’d just lost his virginity. John thought if the positions were reversed, he wouldn’t be too chatty either.

The problem was, Rodney had disappeared into his room right after the debriefing and no one had seen any sign of him since, not even in the mess.

John had given Rodney three days to deal with what had happened on his own, and now he was going to go talk to him, for better or for worse. He was on his way toward the door when the chime rang. He opened the door and found Rodney on the other side.

“Hey,” John greeted him.

“Hey,” Rodney replied. “Can I come in?”

“Of course,” John said and stepped out of the way.

“So,” Rodney began after the door had closed behind him. “I was thinking, you know… about what I said before…”

John closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Right,” he sighed. “I figured you were.”

“Well, I was wondering… when we could get to the more private stuff.”

John perked up and cocked his head at Rodney.

“I told you I wasn’t fucking with you, John. I really do want to be with you. Although, since we started with the hard stuff, how about we move onto something easy?”

John smiled and nodded. “Sounds good, what’d you have in mind?”

Rodney shrugged. “I thought, a kiss might be nice.”

John smiled again and stepped toward Rodney. He put his hands on Rodney’s shoulders and pulled him close.

John looked into Rodney’s eyes and saw nothing but truth, and he’d always been able to read Rodney’s eyes. He wrapped his arms loosely around Rodney’s shoulders and touched their lips together.


prompt, sex on the fly, r, mcshep, slash

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