Fic: In Teyla's Room-Day 7 of Sex on the Fly NC-17

Jun 07, 2009 15:27

In Teyla’s Room-Day 7 of Sex on the Fly

Rating: NC-17

Word count: 1,353

Disclaimer: They’re not mine; I’m just playing with them.

Summary: “Well,” John said and stood up. “What about we do something stimulating…” he lowered himself to his knees in front of Rodney, “…while we wait?” He took hold of Rodney’s wrists and pulled his arms away from his chest.

Thank you once again to shansgrl for the beta.

Warning: This fic may make a few people upset… but when you consider that Teyla’s quarters are one room… and she and Kanaan may do the deed from time to time… it’s not that much different. And Torren was asleep and across the room and the boys were quiet.

If it seems that any of the above factors may bother you, please don’t read this story. Thank you!

“I cannot thank you enough, John,” Teyla said as she scooped her bag off the end of the bed.

“Don’t mention it; you haven’t had too much time to just hang out with Kanaan since you had Torren. Rodney and I can handle the baby while you and Kanaan go see your people,” John said as he walked Teyla to the door.

“He should sleep for a little while longer; I just put him down when you came over.”

“Don’t worry, Teyla, Torren will be fine. Now go before he wakes up and you don’t want to leave,” John said and gently pushed her out the door.

He was almost to the couch when the door slid open.

“His milk is in the cooler, you will need to warm it before he will take it,” Teyla said and was gone again before John had time to reply.

“I think we would have figured that out,” Rodney said and rolled his eyes.

“Give her a break, Rodney, she’s a new mom,” John said and settled down on the couch beside Rodney.

“I’ve known plenty of new moms who didn’t turn into idiots after giving birth.”

“You have?” John asked skeptically.

“Well, no, but anyone I would associate with wouldn’t be stupid.”

“Are you calling Teyla stupid? ‘Cause she could probably clean the floor with both of us… especially when it comes to her baby.”

“Of course I’m not calling her stupid, but where else would bottles of milk be? On the balcony? In the bathroom? She has a genius co-sitting her kid, it’s not rocket science.”

“Hey, at least he’s asleep.”

“And I’m bored out of my mind! I have no idea why I let you talk me into this,” Rodney huffed and crossed his arms.

“Well,” John said and stood up. “What about we do something stimulating…” he lowered himself to his knees in front of Rodney, “…while we wait?” He took hold of Rodney’s wrists and pulled his arms away from his chest.

Rodney brightened. “Like what?” he asked innocently.

“Oh, I don’t know,” John ran his hands up Rodney’s thighs as he leaned in and nipped Rodney’s left nipple through his shirt. “We’ll think of something,” he whispered as he pushed Rodney’s shirt up.

He kissed Rodney’s stomach and dipped his tongue into his belly button.

Rodney took the hem of his shirt from John and lifted it over his head, depositing it on the floor beside John’s legs.

John took Rodney’s nipple into his mouth again, this time without the barrier of the fabric to keep him from tasting Rodney’s skin.

Rodney groaned and arched into John’s mouth when John flicked his tongue over the sensitive flesh. John moaned and sucked harder.

Rodney’s hands moved to the back of John’s head and his fingers started kneading the scalp.

John bit down gently on the nipple and Rodney hissed and grunted. He began pushing his hips up, seeking some much needed friction, but his confined erection was barely brushing John’s stomach.

“Come on, John,” He whispered and pushed John’s shoulders.

John lifted his head and smirked at Rodney. “Impatient are we?”

“Yes!” Rodney hissed.

John chuckled through the smirk and laid his hand lightly over Rodney’s crotch. “Wow,” he said, “I guess you are impatient, I haven’t even been touching you for a minute.” He gave Rodney a squeeze and chuckled again when Rodney bit his lip, grunted and bucked his hips.

“Don’t let it go to your head,” Rodney replied, but his voice was gravely and thick with want. “My body knows when we’re living on borrowed time. Torren could wake up and start screaming any minute and it’d be nice to come before that happens.”

“You want to come in a minute?” John smiled a purely evil smile.

“That’s not what I said. I said *any* minute, not *in a* minute.”

“Sure,” John drawled and unbuttoned Rodney’s pants. He pulled them down over Rodney’s ass when he lifted his hips.

He growled when Rodney’s cock sprang up to eagerly greet him. He ran his tongue out and flicked it over the head and Rodney gasped.

John ran the tip of his tongue under the rim of the head before sweeping it slowly down the underside of the shaft.

“Fuck, John,” Rodney breathed.

“Language, Rodney, we’re in the presence of a child.”

“He’s a baby and he’s sleeping… across the room,” Rodney pointed out hurriedly.

John dove back down and ran the flat of his tongue over Rodney’s balls.

“Unh,” Rodney sighed and rolled his head against the back of the couch.

John licked his way back up Rodney’s dick, ran his tongue over the head again then opened his mouth and sucked Rodney in. He didn’t stop until his nose was pressed into the curls surrounding the base of Rodney’s dick.

Rodney groaned and rocked his hips forward slightly.

John leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Rodney’s hips and started sucking hard on Rodney’s dick. He began lightly kneading the muscles at the top of Rodney’s ass and Rodney moaned and returned his fingers to John’s hair.

John moved in long slow motions, pushing onto Rodney until Rodney was in his throat, then pulling off to concentrate on the head. His lips were sliding over Rodney’s velvety skin and his tongue was sweeping over the head, collecting more fluid with each pass. The salty taste of Rodney’s dick was what John thought about when he found himself sitting in his office with a stack of paperwork in front of him or when he was running in the rafters of the city in the pre-dawn hours. Rodney had crawled into his senses and made himself at home,  and John wasn’t sure what would happen if either he or Rodney had to leave the city, but that was something to think about at another time.

Rodney moaned and tightened his grip on John’s hair. “Shit,” he breathed shakily. His voice wasn’t the only thing trembling; John could feel the muscles of Rodney’s legs vibrating against his chest.

John pulled him closer and applied more pressure. They’d been together long enough to know each other’s ins and outs, the indicators to each other’s moods. And John knew that there were times that his mouth or voice or hands was the only thing tethering Rodney to reality. John was one of the only people privy to the fact that behind Rodney’s tough exterior was a gentle and occasionally fragile man.

Rodney stiffened and pulled John’s head closer as he came with a grunt.

John swallowed greedily until Rodney stopped spurting the warm fluid down his throat. He pulled off and joined Rodney on the couch.

Rodney was trying to catch his breath after his orgasm; John wrapped his arm around his shoulders and leaned back on the couch.

Rodney sighed and looked over at John. “You’re kind of evil, you know that right?”

John smiled, “Well, you’ll just have to get even with me.”

“Oh don’t worry about that, you’ll get what’s coming to you.”

John’s ears pricked and he helped Rodney pull his pants up hurriedly.

Rodney was completely fastened with a data pad on his lap and John had a magazine open in front of him when the door slid open.

“Home already?” John asked.

Teyla looked between the two of them with a suspicious look on her face. “Yes, it started to rain, the festivities had to be postponed to another day.”

“Oh, that’s too bad. I know how you’d been looking forward to it.”

“Yes, I had been. But I will attend the rescheduled events.”

“Need a baby sitter?” Rodney asked.

John elbowed Rodney in the arm. “Rodney!” He whispered.

“What?” Rodney asked. “I’m just trying to be a supportive friend. Torren was really good this time, the best kid I’ve ever watched.”

“He was sleeping,” John said.

“I know, that’s the point.”

“I was only gone for a half hour, Rodney.” She smiled shyly. “Apparently long enough for a certain couple to have a little fun.”

John felt his ears heat up and watched Rodney’s cheeks flush.


prompt, nc-17, sex on the fly, fic, mcshep

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