Wanna know what bugs the shit out of me?! When people don't put ratings in the headers of their stories!!
I'm sure they don't mean to be inconvient to any of their readers, perhaps they only write a certain rating and their loyal readers know that anything from them will be rated *insert rating here*
But what about those of us that come across your stories? Or what if, like in the situation that made me type this rating rant, we come across a rec list that has your fic listed?
The particular rec list I am talking about, I found a link to on the notice board and can be found
here for those of you that are interested.
Now there are days when I will read any rating as long as the story is McShep, and on the rare occasion I'll read any rating of other pairings. But usually, I like to read R-NC17 stories. And I really don't want to "waste my time" on a PG fic if I'm in an NC-17 mood.
The other day I read a story, don't get me wrong, it was a good story, but it was rated G and I kept waiting for the "good stuff" and it never came and by the end of the story I was wholly disappointed.
It's not a difficult thing to stick a rating in the header.
Now most or all of the fic on that list (in the McShep section) had McKay/Sheppard in the header which was good even though I came to it through a list that had it in the McShep section. But as we all know, not all McShep stories are NC-17.
Another rating issue I have and it's no ones fault but maybe mine for being ignorant of other forms of rating... is well, other forms of Rating.
I saw a fic the other day that was rated...T, I think. What the heck is that?
I'm used to G, PG, PG-13, PG-15, R, NC-17.
If anyone knows of a post anywhere out there in LJ world, or has knowledge of other forms of rating, I'd appreciate the shedding of light on that particular topic.
Ok, rant is over, I now return you to your regularly scheduled LJ-ing :)