Fic: An afternoon in the backyard (a Grandview story) Rated G

Apr 28, 2009 21:03

This is just a little short peice... but the next (longer) chapter is almost ready...

Title: An afternoon in the backyard

Series: Grandview

Rated: G

Word count: 942

Spoilers: teenie weenie one for SGA 5x01 Search and Rescue

Warnings: none

Disclaimer: Sadly, neither Stargate Atlantis nor her characters belong to me, if they did the show would never have been nor would it ever be canceled.

Nathan is mine, however, so take THAT mgm!

Summary: John negotiated a compromise by promising Nathan that daddy would push him when he got finished painting if he’d play in the sand box for now.

John took Nathan out to the backyard while Rodney put the primer on the nursery walls. Pushing Nathan on the swing was a little harder than it used to be. Nathan’s head bumped John’s belly a couple times before John decided to turn to the side, which made his back ache from leaning to the side. John negotiated a compromise by promising Nathan that daddy would push him when he got finished painting if he’d play in the sand box for now.

Nathan agreed but looked crestfallen when John told him that he couldn’t sit on the ground with him.

“John,” Teyla’s smooth voice came around the house.

“Out back!” John called to her, and a moment later Teyla came through the gate with Torren in tow.

“Oh perfect!” John said, “Nathan was just about to play in the sand box.”

“Would that not be fun, Torren?” Teyla asked as she urged her son toward the sandbox. “Go and play with Nathan while John and I speak.”

“Uh oh,” John said as he leaned back on the hammock. “I’m not sure I like your tone.”

“Why is that?”

John shrugged, “you just had that ‘something bad is about to happen’ tone. I’m in no condition to hunt wraith across the Pegasus galaxy at the moment.”

“Nothing of the sort, John. And I would never ask you to hunt wraith in your condition.”

“I know,” John replied.

“Torren and I are returning home tomorrow and we simply wanted to spend some time with you and Rodney.”

“Rodney’s painting the nursery,” John told her.

“I know, I sent Kanaan to assist him.”

“You put him to work?”

“I did.”

John raised his eyebrows and jokingly said, “crack that whip.”

“I do not understand.”

He shook his head, “nevermind.”

Teyla was silent for a moment and John could tell by the look on her face as she watched the children play in the sandbox that there was something on her mind.

“What is it, Teyla?”

She sighed, “The Athosian festival of renewal is approaching. I am afraid that I may not make it back for the birth of your child.”

“That’s what’s bothering you?”

“Yes,” she admitted.

“Well don’t worry about it, Teyla, you wouldn’t be allowed in the room anyway.”

“I feel that Rodney deserves my presence at the birth of his first child.”

“Nathan is Rodney’s first child, Teyla.”

“Of course, but I mean his first biological child.”

“Regardless, Nathan is Rodney’s first child.”

“I understand, I meant no disrespect.”

“I know. You think that because Rodney was there for Torren’s birth you should be here for Owen’s?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Rodney delivered Torren.”

“I know.”

“It was necessary.”

“I know that as well.”

“Trust me, Teyla, Rodney will understand.”

She nodded and they fell into another short silence before Teyla spoke again.

“Are you and Rodney planning more children?”

“We’re not planning anything beyond the successful birth of this one at this point.”

“Kanaan and I have been discussing it.”


“Yes, we both feel that we are ready.”

“You’re not pregnant though?”

She was silent.

“You are,” he said.

“I will know soon.”

“You know, they have tests for that.”

“I am aware, but I prefer to let my body tell me.”

“Well, I hope your body tells you what you want to hear.”

“As do I.”

They silently agreed not to talk about that anymore at the moment and they both turned their attention to the children. A moment later, the silence that fell was shattered by Rodney loudly coming through the sliding doors with Kanaan following him.

John smiled slightly as Kanaan walked over to Teyla and obediently took his place at her side, anyone could clearly see who wore the pants in their family. Of course John figured if he was married to someone who could wipe the floor with him in half a second, he might take the backseat too.

“The room has been primed,” Rodney announced.

“Good,” John said and smiled at him. “You can paint it next weekend.”

“Yes, well I was hoping you could get a few of your friends to help. Priming it by myself took all day. I only have two days to spend with my family uninterrupted and I’ve wasted one of them in a room killing my brain cells with paint fumes.”

John smiled and reached for him. Rodney came over and took John his hand and kissed the back of it.

“I may be able to talk Cam and a few others to pitch in for a couple of cases of beer and a few sandwiches.”

“As long as you don’t drink it,” Rodney said with a stern look.

“Rodney,” John said, “I’ve been pregnant for six months and I’ve never done anything to harm the baby, what makes you think I’d start now?”

“I don’t, I just want to ensure that my son will have all of his brain cells when he’s born.”

“He will,” John said. “Now, since Teyla, Kanaan and Torren are heading back to Atlantis tomorrow, how about we fire up that grill?”

John looked at Teyla and raised his eyebrows, “How ‘bout it Teyla, you good for a bite?”

“We could stay for a hot meal. The food at the SGC is good but I must admit that I have been craving one of those John Sheppard special burgers,” she said with a big smile.

“Craving?” John intoned and wiggled his brows at her and Teyla gave him the glare of death.

“Okay,” he said and held his hands out for Rodney to help him off the hammock. “John Sheppard specials coming right up.”


established relationship, grandview, g, mcshep, slash, series, sheppard, mckay, fic

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