Title: Blood
Prompt: 022 - Blood
Rating: G
Pairing/Spoilers/Warnings: none
Word count: 343
Summary: John’s eyes fluttered open, his vision was still dark but at least he could see now and that was a definite improvement. He tried to move his head and the action sent pain shooting from the top of his head to the base of his spine and he groaned.
Disclaimer: Sadly, neither Stargate Atlantis nor her characters belong to me. If they did the show would never have been nor would it ever be cancelled. We may have to move it to Cinemax though.
John’s eyes fluttered open, his vision was still dark but at least he could see now and that was a definite improvement. He tried to move his head and the action sent pain shooting from the top of his head to the base of his spine and he groaned.
He took a few deep breaths and the pain subsided. He knew nothing was broken; he’d had enough broken bones in his life to know without a doubt when something was broken. Sprained maybe, almost certainly fractured but not broken.
He tried again to move his head and the pain wasn’t as bad. He felt the squish beneath his head that indicated thick liquid. He closed his eyes and sighed, knowing that the thick liquid under him was more than likely blood. His first thought wasn’t that he’d lost enough blood to make his skin chill, or that he obviously had a laceration there that would need stitches. His first thought was how difficult it would be to get dried blood out of his hair.
“Sheppard!” John heard followed by a pounding sound.
He heard mumbled voices and then several loud booms and the door flew open. Rodney, Teyla and Ronon ran into the room.
John lifted his arms, which were much heavier than they should have been, toward Ronon and was helped off the floor. Ronon lifted his so quickly that his vision swam away for a moment.
His legs felt like rubber and he almost fell, if it hadn’t been for Ronon grabbing him around the waist and pulling him back up John would have been back on the floor, this time on his face.
John lifted nearly numb fingers to the back of his head and winced at the pain, they came away coated red. He looked down at the floor where he’d been laying and grimaced at the puddle of half coagulated blood. His shoulders were wet with it and his shirt was sticking to his back. He curled his lip at the disgusting feeling.
“Let’s go home,” he hissed
The end