Hello flist!
I have a question to ask you guys!
Would any of you be willing to be a beta for me? I don't write fic as often as some people do... well here recently I've been pumping them out left and right... but I'm sure this streak will end.
I ask because I have not had much luck over at
sga_beta I've had most of my fic beta'd by people over there and I am NOT saying anything bad about the comm or the members, I know that some of you are members there.
But recently it's been HARD to find a good beta willing to beta my type of story.
Some people say no and give me a reason and others just don't respond to my request.
About three months ago I finished an A/U and requested a beta from about 4 people over on sga beta, only one said they'd do it and three months later I still haven't gotten the fic back, nor have I gotten a reply to the emails I've set asking about it.
I understand that real life climbs up your leg and bites you in the ass sometimes, it's happened to me plenty of times, but really, is it too much to ask for a simple email that says no more than sorry, can't finish the beta but here's what I did. Or sorry didn't get to the beta and now can't. I don't need reasons, in fact, I usually send a message to my beta thelling them if this story sucks please feel free to tell me so, but also tell me why so I can fix it.
If betaing my story is too much of a hassle because of how badly written it it, just let me know and I'll fix it or trash it.
Sheesh, got onto a bit of a tangent there....
Anyway, as you all probably know, I write slash and it's usually always McShep. I have in the past written femme slash and het so it is possible that I may write one in the future but I really don't see it happening because there aren't any relationships on Atlantis that I'd like to see... although I have written at least one fic that had Ronon with John... and that was just because McShep was already taken. (It was a challenge comm and I wrote that then pulled out because writing it felt forced.)
If one or more of you are willingto beta for me on a regular basis I will of course let you know when I'm working on a new fic and give you an idea of what it's about if that's what you'd like me to do.
I'll also ask if you're able to do the beta for me at that particular time. Usually unless I'm writing for a challenge or something with a post by date I'm not in a huge rush to get it back as long as I know it is coming back.
Please someone help me out... I really need someone reliable that I know will be there when I need a story beta'd.
Thanks y'all and I really hope someone can help me.
If you can help me out, just reply here or send me an email, my email address is listed in my user info.