un-fandom related rant

Jul 06, 2012 21:10

I'm going to put this whole thing under a cut. please don't feel like you have to read this, it's just me ranting about crap.

Okay, so I keep getting these complaints at work. They're bogus, and I know that because I do my job. I take my job very seriously, because I work with infants. They depend on me for every single thing while they're with me, and I would never do anything to make a parent regret putting their most treasured thing in my care. I have a child myself, I only treat these kids the way I treat my own. Cassie has never even been spanked, in case you were wondering.
These complaints aren't coming from parents though, they're coming from my fellow staff members!
One specific staff member wants to be in the infant room. We're about to open a second infant room, and she's been promised the assistant teacher position in that room, so what the fuck is her deal? I used to work with her at La Petite, and I thought for sure I could trust her. I had her daughter when she was an infant after all, and she never made a single complaint then.
Now, however, she's saying things like I let baby X cry for fifteen full minutes at the top of his lungs. and I pushed baby Y away from me when I was on the floor. I've never done any of those things.

Of course, I didn't know until after I was working there that this place is filled up with petty ass little second graders who are always looking for some way to get each other in trouble. One teacher is always writing something about another. This teacher is spreading rumors about that one. It's like I die every single morning and go to do an eight hour stint in hell!!

The only things I can possibly think of for people to be complaining is:
A) I'm 'outside of work' friends with the assistant director. Maybe they think we're in high school and that I'm going to get away with something they wouldn't get away with simply because of the "clique" I'm in. The only problem with that is that I don't do anything that I would need to "get away with" because I don't do anything but my job!
B) I'm in a relationship with another female. I can't for the life of me understand what this would have to do with my ability to do my job. The co-worker I spoke of earlier knew I was with a woman when I was keeping her daughter at La Petite. padfootthegrim and I have been together for three years in early October.

Really, I just think these people are idiots who need some kind of attention or they always have to be saying something about someone.
Seriously, I thought I was applying for a JOB, not high school.

I'm to the point where I'm saying to myself, if I didn't have the Chicago convention coming up in August, I'd tell those fuckers to lick my puckered ass hole and get the hell out of there.
As it stands, I may put in my two weeks notice two weeks before the trip. I can look for a job when I get back. I know that isn't a good idea, but I'm being harassed, and I have no way to prove it. The assistant director says that the complaints wouldn't be in my file, so asking to see that wouldn't do any good. I have no idea what to do about this, and I'm tired of it.
Do you have any idea how shitty it is to get up every morning monday through friday and have to spend eight hours with a bunch of people you can't even talk to? Anything I might say to them that isn't work related would get twisted into something that was, and there'd be another made up complaint.

I'm just so sick and tired of everything and everyone there.

anyway, thanks for reading if you did. If not... no worries.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled lj.

people suck!, work, rant, real life

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