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Jan 10, 2006 22:31

LJ Interests meme results

  1. billy boyd:
    Mmm...sexy hobbitses with awsome accents! =) Pippin rocks my socks!
  2. discworld:
    Ah, Discworld...Night Watch=Fawkes' favorite book EVER! Sam Vimes is one of the coolest characters ever. I read Night Watch (first, unfortunatly) and instantly fell in love with him. He's just wicked awsome! =D
  3. elijah wood:
    Oh, what's not to love about Elijah? Plus, I had the hugest celebrity crush on him for the longest time. Still kind of do, really...
  4. faramir/eowyn:
    Because it was my favorite in the books. Well, it WAS Aragorn/Arwen up until Return of the King, and then it was like a three way toss up between them two and Sam/Rosie...damn! I have to read those again soon! >.<
  5. g.s.a.:
    Because it's like a Soap Opera in there! ;-) Seriously, I love the guys and gals in the G.S.A., but it can get way too dramatic sometimes.
  6. jon stewart:
    Because he's a sexy beast! O.o He keeps my sanity and I love 'im. He rocks (especially after I saw him on Crossfire...god, was it 2004? damn...that rocked). The man is brilliant. Period.
  7. mal/inara:
    Because you can't watch Firefly/Serenity and not go, "Well, DUH!" My mom put it best, "They better have sex in the next movie 'cause the sexual tension is KILLING ME!" =)
  8. music:
    Because music is universal! =) My mom was always playing stuff. I could have a soundtrack of my childhood made up entire of the Beatles with 'Basket Case' thrown in there (mostly because it's been stuck in my head from 1995-present >.<)
  9. reading:
    It should be everyones interest but, unfortunatly, it's not. My parents read to me when I was little and at a very young age I was reading by myself. My mom actually had to tell my 6th grade English teacher that she couldn't get me to do my homework because I just wouldn't stop reading and my teacher told her, "Do you know how many parents WISH they had your problem?" I remember the guilty looks on her face when she had to take my books AWAY from me because I just couldn't stop! =D
  10. serenity:
    I have a distict memory of Friday nights for awhile in 8th grade. My mom and I would sit down and watch Firefly every Friday (and we'd also watch John Doe after that, but that show has really fallen into oblivion especially since the start is doing 'Prison Break'). It was my sci-fi thing and I loved it! So imagin my happiness when I hear there's going to be a movie? =)

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