Dear Author:
Thank you for writing my request. I really hope you have fun with it, enjoying the prompts you received. I have provided prompts, because I understand they can be helpful. If you prefer to write something different, I am sure I will enjoy that too.
I am very sorry this letter is a bit late and I do hope my delays in completing it have not prevented you from getting started with writing.
What I like in General:
I like stories that are character-driven and also those that are plot-driven (though I prefer the former), but as long as something is well-written I usually like anything (so I suggest you just opt for what you like to write).
I have no preference about the story being serious or humorous; I think that sort of decision is best left to the author. Witty repartee in dialogue does appeal regardless of whether the theme of the story is serious or funny.
I generally prefer stories that are true to canon, but occasionally do enjoy a well-written AU.
Although I rarely write sexually explicit stories, I have no objection to reading them. However, I prefer any sex to develop logically from the plot or exploring some aspect of character development; and as a general rule I agree with Renault that it is better to leave the details to the reader’s imagination.
Finally, I provided only one prompt for each novel, but please ignore the prompt if it doesn't appeal to you. I think it is important you write something you feel enthusiastic about as in my experience that normally leads to a better story than trying to twist yourself into knots writing for a prompt that you find utterly uninspiring. I enjoy all these novels and will love anything you write for any of them.
My Requests
The Charioteer
Characters: Bim, Ralph, Sandy, Alec
Anything that shows the relationship between Ralph and Bim, but preferably not through the eyes of either Ralph or Bim - Sandy or Alec's eyes?
The Friendly Young Ladies
Characters: Leonora and Helen
Correspondence between the two while separated by the war.
Purposes of Love
Jan, Colonna, Nurse Valentine
Either something that shows us Jan in all his glory, or something that focuses on the relationship between Colonna and Valentine, over the years, sometimes together and sometimes apart, but always friends.
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