Final British Election Result (more for the benefit of my North American friends than those this side of the pond who are all too aware)
Tory - 331
Labour - 232
SNP - 56
Lib-Dem - 8
DUP - 8
Other - 15
Such good news for the Scottish Nationalists who won all but three seats in Scotland. My father, were he still alive, would have been very pleased. He believed so passionately in independence for Scotland. The 'no' vote in last year's independence referendum would have disappointed him dreadfully; this news almost makes up for it. Sensibly the SNP campaign did not focus on the knotty question of separation but on having a strong Scottish voice in parliament. It is a campaign which served them well. Let's hear it for burgeoning nationalism and creeping devolution of powers!
As for where I live, which is in one of the few constituencies where the Greens were campaigning hard and thinking they had a really good chance to win (they always elect a Green to the City Council): Labour ousted the sitting Lib-Dem candidate.
As usual, I exercised my right not to vote.
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