Nothing short of brilliant.
Great new bands I saw:
Patenbrigade: Wollf (thanks for the heads up
atropa42) ,
Lola Angst, Din {A} Tod
Great bands I knew:
Sonar (complete with totally intentional silent pause for reflection), Nachtrmahr, Apop, Combichrist, Welle:Erdball, Skinjob,
Great food I munched: Bitterballen, Turks Pizza, Shoarma Turks PIzza, Frites & Mayo
Great booze I quaffed: Kriek, La Chouffe, Dommelsch, Hoegaarden, Hoegaarden Rose, Vodka Ahoj
Great chums I made: Massimo & Thomas, Michel and his lady, Helen & Gary, Wendy & Pete, more no doubt,
Great chums I hope I didn't offend : ALL OF YE!
Great countires that joined in the fun: Scotland, England, Belgium, Nederlands, Germany, The Basque Country, Norway, Austria, Italy, Australia
Other good stuff: Jagermeister boobs, drinking wi' maDonna, Cafe Belgie, the hot chicks and chaps in uniforms, Chocomel,Chocomel, everybody loves Chocomel.....
Please if anyone has any pics of the Cafe Belgie/Tivoli on Sunday or the socials the other nights, please lemme see them. J will take a century to send me copies!!! I've seen Neil's video of Nelly the Elephant and we truly invaded :-)
Roll on Infest!