(no subject)

Apr 07, 2008 02:49


The panther stalked the room moodily. Waiting, waiting, but not patiently. Anticipation, eager and electric, raised the fur along his spine. He could smell her delicate perfume, both the artificial and the one she wasn't aware she wore, even through the door. He could hear her humming softly and giggling to herself, and he could hear the faintest friction of fabric against skin.

He paced the room twice more, muscular tail lashing back and forth in an obvious meter of his agitation, when suddenly he froze. She cleared her throat again, and the panther slinked off into the corner of the darkened room, the one near the door; she wouldn't notice him at all when she entered, had no reason to even glance in that direction.

The bathroom light was off when she stepped, unassuming, into the bedroom. Misa was a vision in black satin and narrow straps, the corset low cut across the chest, high cut at the hip, extending down in garters to black fishnets. She padded as silently as the panther had, across her bedroom to the vanity in the corner. Her blonde hair hung in damp tendrils against her shoulders and down her neck, spilling little trickles of moisture across her pale, pale skin.

Misa turned on a small but bright table lamp, still humming to herself, puckering her lips and pouting into the mirror. Then she found a pot of lip gloss and smoothed some onto her lips with her pinkie finger. She pouted at the mirror again, and then she grinned and retrieved a comb, beginning to work it through her damp tresses.

This was the level of distraction the panther had been waiting for; he had no doubt that she was half-blind to her surroundings with bright light shining into her face, but this would be infinitely more satisfying. He stalked forward slowly, always angling himself to keep her back to him, and to keep her between him and the mirror. Now, only three feet away, he paused, crouched. Misa was still humming softly to herself, blissfully unaware of the threat lurking in the shadows just behind her. The panther was barely able to contain himself. His heart raced with the thrill of the hunt, rope-like tail lashing back and forth eagerly, every muscle primed.

His entire body stilled then, except his back feet, nearly dancing as they sought just the right leverage. One moment ticked by, then another. Misa reached the end of her song, and the panther pounced.

The girl shrieked in surprise as ink-black forelegs encircled her, the weight of a warm, furred body settling against her back. Yet she didn't struggle, and not one claw peeked from the large cat's paws. He was supporting enough of his own weight that the girl was barely burdened.

"You really scared Misa, you jerk," the girl grumbled, the glare she threw over her shoulder at him completely ineffective in the face of her pouting lips.

The panther emitted a coughing rumble that sounded suspiciously like a laugh and dropped back down to all fours to circle around to Misa's side. He draped his tail around her waist, the tip of it flickering back and forth to tickle her inner thigh. It elicited a squirm from the girl, and she reached out to rub a finger up the bridge of his nose, between the eyes, causing them to lid with pleasure. "Regulus likes his games, doesn't he?" she teased knowingly. Her answer was a rumbling, throaty purr.

The panther quickly bored of being petted, however, not so easily sated as a mere housecat. He tilted his head to gently catch Misa's wrist in his mouth, not letting one point of a fang so much as dent her skin. His grip was firm enough, however, to make it clear what he wanted her to do as he gave her a brief tug and then released her, stepping back and out of her way.

"Regulus is not usually so forward," Misa grinned, standing and sauntering over towards the bed, hips swaying just enough to draw his attention to them. She perched on the edge of the bed quite primly, crossing her legs, folding her hands atop one knee, tilting her head expectantly.

Wasn't she just the personification of irony this evening? Dressed as she was, but behaving like the one he could take home to meet Mother. He allowed himself a private smirk at that thought, that didn't manifest on his impassive panther face. No matter what Misa wore, she would never be presentable to Mother… How she would howl when she found out…

Regulus leapt lightly onto the bed, barely jarring the girl sitting on it, and skirted closer, rubbing the length of his body against the blonde's bare back, causing her to shiver with the sensation. A pink, sandpaper tongue darted out, collecting stray droplets of water from the back of Misa's neck, and then he bumped his nose against her shoulder, nudging her until she understood and shifted to stretch out on her back on the bed.

He sat beside her, one massive, deadly paw strangely gentle as it brushed along the satin of Misa's corset, tracing the delicate boning that gave it shape. When he repeated the gesture, he applied a bit more pressure this time, and Misa arched her back slightly, invitingly. Oh really… With an internal smirk, he hooked a claw into the thin material and slit it open from bust to bellybutton, so deftly that Misa's milk-white skin showed not even a hint of redness, though she gasped as though the claw had grazed her all the way down.

He purred with satisfaction at the destruction of a perfectly good negligee and was unsurprised when Misa didn't seem to object. After all, either of them could easily afford to replace it, and then some. The girl's eyes glittered up at him, jewel-bright with excitement. Regulus's paw brushed lower, his claw caught again, and this time sliced across Misa's hip, leaving nothing to the imagination.

Then, the panther's frame shivered, the bed shivered, and a moment later a man reclined where the cat had perched. Regulus Black looked as composed and put together in his dress shirt and perfectly pressed trousers as Misa did debauched, in a slit-open corset, arching faintly as an unexpectedly callused hand slid up her inner thigh.

"If I didn't know any better," Regulus murmured smoothly, "I'd say you rather enjoy being hunted. But panthers usually eat their prey. What to do?" Almost distractedly he began helping Misa to slide her way out of the ruined corset, fingers lingering on every warm patch of flesh they found to make the girl squirm. "No, no. Leave the fishnets," he purred when she tried to dispose of those, too. "They look very nice."

Finally, as if coming to some difficult decision, the man heaved a sigh. "I am afraid, in order to save face before the other predators, I'm just going to have to eat you." Innuendo was thick in his voice, and it only made the situation seem more depraved, if it was possible, to hear such suggestive things uttered in Regulus's proper, patrician tone.

Misa looked as if she didn't trust herself to speak. Strong, confident fingers walked across her skin, along her thighs, up her stomach-flat, despite all her objections that too many sweets would make her fat-carelessly teasing the curve of first one breast and then the other, all in an effort to make her squirm, arch, beg him for what he was intending to do anyway. The blonde was more perceptive than she should have been, however, given the state of things. She panted softly, gasped when his fingernail grazed her nipple, but ultimately said nothing, the hint of a smirk teasing the corner of her mouth. Though they didn't seem it on a surface level, Regulus was far less in control of himself than Misa was.

Finally the man emitted the softest of growls and leaned down, capturing her pouting lips with his own. He sucked at them gently, nipping playfully but hungrily, tongue dipping into her mouth to tangle with hers. It was only a brief kiss, however, and when he broke away, his lips immediately found her throat. Biting gently, always biting. Across her shoulder, down her collarbone, never hard enough to hurt, but enough to make Misa gasp.

His teeth found her nipple, applied light pressure. Regulus shivered to hear the girl moan. He sucked the nub to a peak, tongue swirling across the rose-coloured skin, before repeating himself upon its twin. He had to shift to continue lower, moving down the bed, his hands sliding along her thighs. He nipped the soft, smooth flesh of her stomach, and then moved again. He slid to the floor, turning Misa bodily so that her legs dangled from the edge of the bed, knelt between them fully dressed, in expensive tailored slacks that could probably never be worn again after this abuse. And he thought nothing of it, because Misa pushed herself up enough to gaze down her body at him, such desire in her eyes that he didn't bother trying to hide his self-satisfied smirk.

Regulus nipped a path up the sensitive, nearly ticklish flesh of her inner thigh, grinning at the soft gasps and thicker, more laboured breathing his actions elicited. By the time he reached the cleft of her thighs, Misa was already drenched. "Hmmm…" he purred discerningly, and the soft exhalation of breath against her most intimate parts made the girl moan, hips arching faintly towards him. Apparently Regulus was in a very generous mood, because he instantly obliged the unspoken request. He leaned in to part her lips with the flick of a practiced tongue, seeking out her weak spot, that would turn her into something that quivered and needed.

Misa was squirming hard now, so hard that Regulus planted his hands on her hips, pinning her. Her knuckles were white and clenched in the expensive coverlet, and she draped her legs over his shoulders, digging her heels into his back to urge him closer.

Her moans had given rise to soft, high cries of pleasure, and Regulus pressed his lips to her, plunging his tongue deep and slow, savouring the fresh, clean taste of her body. He could have sustained it for hours-a sore jaw would have been worth it-but he was certain the girl wouldn't have lasted. He shifted tactics when Misa's tone rose, became more frantic and eager, her body gone rigid. He pulled back enough to take the oh, so sensitive nub of her clit between his teeth, carefully, gently. And then flicked his tongue against it hard and fast, sending Misa into shrieking, gasping convulsions so quickly it would have made his head spin if he hadn't been expecting it.

Regulus groaned when he rose to his feet, long moments later. He was going to have bruises on his back tomorrow. Gazing down at the attractive blonde sprawled on the bed before him, that fact didn't concern him much. He stretched out, languid and feline beside her, and leaned in to brush their lips together so she could taste herself there.

Misa made a noise that sounded suspiciously like it was trying to be a question, but she was too sated, too relaxed to make it come out quite right, for now. The man was rather well-versed in the interpretation of such things, however, and chuckled. "Rest for now," he murmured fluidly. "There is plenty of time for round two."


((OOC: And here are your warnings because Reg is a twat and wouldn't give you any. GRAPHIC HETPORN. (And this is hetporn that actually squicks me a lot because there is oral, but I still WROTE IT SOMEHOW, so please be gentle because despite Rabid saying it is good I don't believe him and was rly hesitant to even post.) Read: I don't care what your characters think bc that is the game, but if there's any OOC stuff I would love you forever for constructive criticism.))
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