How very modest. The question is, are you saying that because you think it is true, or because you wish me to focus my attentions elsewhere? Because, I assure you, there are very few birds indeed of such rare quality as you.
Well, forgive me for parroting them, then, but I must admit I share the assessment of this numberless multitude.
Oh, I don't delude myself having just met you that my attentions might have any sort of significant value to you. However, judging from your response, it would appear you are at least equal to a little fun and games before you send me on my way.
As for your attentions, that you must find out for yourself - telling ruins the fun.
Oh, I don't delude myself having just met you that my attentions might have any sort of significant value to you. However, judging from your response, it would appear you are at least equal to a little fun and games before you send me on my way.
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