Alicia: God, what the fuck was that guy's problem?
Me: Well, we almost killed his wife.
Alicia: But still...!!
I went shopping with Alicia today. Haven't seen that girl in a while. I bought a shirt and some jeans at American Eagle. I like them both a lot. Alicia got a couple dresses from Wet Seal for ten bucks. It was a fun time. She let me borrow her Harvey Danger CD so I could finally burn myself a copy. Which I did. I also left all my shit in her car. Woops. Oh well... I'll get it tomorrow or something.
Oh! I also bot a black canvas peacoat from Old Navy yesterday. It's nice. I like it a lot, also. I'm running out of money. But at least I've held onto it for more than two days.I still have seventy-something left. Yay for me.