This New Supplement is Perfect for YOU!

Nov 25, 2019 00:58

Do you ever suffer from Imposter Syndrome? Do you ever find that you are never at the head of the class? Are you consistently passed over for promotion at your job because your annual reviews are mediocre?

Don’t change the channel, because I have got something for you!

Now for only $29.95 per month, you can take a supplement that turns you from a ‘feckless nobody’ to a ‘rising superstar,’ money back guarantee!

Introducing ‘Feck-it-all!,’ the wonder drug that clears your mind, firms your body, and makes life worth living!

Doctor tested, consumer approved, ‘Feck-it-all!’ is a supplement taken twice daily with results in just two weeks. That’s right, JUST TWO WEEKS! Go from a low energy, low initiative kind of individual to a real go getter with boundless energy in no time! Don’t believe me? Listen to these testimonials!

“My name is Missy, and I had a hard time retaining jobs in my field. As it turns out, I was simply uninspired. A friend recommended Feck-it-all, so I gave it a try. Now, I have a lucrative job, my bosses are happy with me, and I can get by with just three hours of sleep. It’s great! Oh, and I lost thirteen pounds in just a week. I guess that’s a bonus? I’m just glad for the work.”

“Please don’t tell anyone who I am, but you know, I am a legit rapper, man. So that Feck-it? What’s that? Feck-it-all? Yeah, that. That stuff is F to the ish, FRESH ROAST, man. I just cut twenty songs in the last two days, and I’m ridin’ that high, man. My album drops next month, and you din hear it from me, but it’s dope, y’all! All thanks to Feck-it-all!”

“Um, I came here because Sandi at the front desk said you had some money? Yeah, I need to pay for an Uber down to- oh hold on a sec, someone is talking to me. Yeah? What? Okay, sure. (THROAT clearing noises). Hi, my name is Kevin, and Feck-it-all is all you need to become a better person. I’ve been taking it for about- (turns head) what’s that? Okay, got it! (Faces camera). -six months. I totally have my stuff together too. Take it, your life will be better. (Turns left). So that Uber money? Can I have it now? I did your jingle, I have to be downtown by five.”

Such honest testimonies you won’t get from anywhere else. All for just $29.95 per month!

Order a six month supply now, and we will throw in a free session with a Feck-it-all labs life coaching session.

Order a twelve month supply, and we will throw in a complimentary month pass to one of our special fitness clubs.

We accept all major credit cards!

Feck-it-all! For when you need initiative or a better life.

Call toll free at 800-666-7734, or visit us online at

End those feckless days for ‘fecking ever!’

*Offer valid only in some states, not valid in any other country outside of United States. Side effects may vary. Please consult a doctor if you lose more than ten pounds per week on this supplement. Does not actually treat Imposter Syndrome.
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