Here are the rules:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you 5 questions of a very personal nature.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them 5 questions.
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2. We like a little bit of bad in our boys. You've gotta want to be good though. The bad boy that doesn't care we know is just gonna get us in trouble. Redemption is hot.
3. Yeah. I think so. I'm naturally a brunette and I get away with murder as a blonde. Everyone's always surprised when I'm actually smart and they think it's cute, expected and cliche when I do the ditzy thing.
4. I'm not entirely sure it can be called a prank but in high school, there was girl that was helping Mayor I -wanna-be-a-giant-snake and eat the graduating class (which happened to be my graduating class). She wanted my boyfriend at the time to go evil and take her to the prom. We let her think he'd gone evil. They 'tracked' me, knocked me out, chained me up with the intention of torturing me for fun. You know that fatal flaw where villans always talk too much? She talked too much, spilled the whole plan and we revealed that Angel didn't really chain me up, nor was he evil. It was a great trick that she bought hook, line and sinker but I had to watch her and Angel. It ended up hurting a lot.
5. That's hard. It's like another lifetime ago. I think the day I got on the Hemry cheerleading team. I know it's probably kind of lame but it was nice. Mom made my favorite dinner and Dad came home early from work. It was before they were fighting so bad.
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