So yea, MFF went well, as far as disasters go. I never really made it to a single panel, or much for any sanctioned events for that matter. Few of my out-of-state friends even showed up.
Funny though, I still had a blast anyway. It helps I had my awesome room mates
, and
to bother whenever I had a chance. Plus, most of the locals from the MN group were there and willing to let me pester them endlessly.
I hit up the comedy shows mostly as far as events go, and of course I spend every night at the dances. Even got into and few room parties, escaping one right before the Suits broke it up. Dragging the roomies around, talking to strangers, trying and failing to get food with more then just myself, escaping creepers, and hooking back up with friends I haven't seen in forever... It really was a blast. To be honest, the entire weekend was just one long string of socializing and pretty much lighting a fire under people's fuzzy butts. It was... Delorious. Thats delicious AND glorious. What can I say, someone needs to be the life of the party. :P
The ride home was melancholy, mostly everyone kind of kept to themselves
or slept as we drove along. Understandable, but it hammered home how
lame returning to everyday life really can be.
I can't wait to do this again. :D