Jun 11, 2010 20:38
Hello there, everyone! It's been quite a while, hasn't it?
Well I must say that nothing really new has gone on here. I've been working every day for a while (10+ hours at that!) with a short break now and then to rest before going right back to the grind stone. What am I doing, you ask? Weeelllll,
Talking to people about animals
Talking to people about wolves (while training/watching them do awesome behaviors all day x3333)
Handling the following animals daily:
Amazon Parrots
And any other manner of critter you could imagine!
Keeping people from being bitten
WISHING they would get bitten
Chasing after "escape artists"
And all sorts of fun things like that!
But with all the awesome interactions with the guests, I must say that I just really LOVE the people that I work with. They're fun, friendly, have such varied personalities and kind dispositions. True there are some "odd balls" in between the awesome, but it just makes it more fun, doesn't it? We really are a big family, discussing anything and everything and joking on one-another whenever we get the chance. I'm SO happy that I got this job...This is definitely a dream come true and I look forward to working (despite the heat and humidity of 97+ degrees, despite the hours, despite the germs and disgruntled guests) every day.
And now I get all those team benefits ;D W00t w00t for free tickets~~ Guess who's going to play on HER next day off? :D
On another note, less than a MONTH now before Japan. SO VERY YES! Just another great thing to look forward to this summer.
I hope that you're all having a great summer so far as well and I'll chat again soon with any major updates. Now I shall go back to enjoying my starbucks Farmer's Market Salad and Vanilla Tazo tea. <3