Where'd the Sun Go?

Jul 01, 2009 09:14

Happy July, Everyone!

I hope everything is going well wherever you may be watching these blogs from, and I've got but 2 more months left here at the internship! It's amazing how time flies, eh? Well not too terribly much has been going on since the last time that I posted. I'm done with my Ethology course, gotten some AWESOME contacts and even met a few people from NC! (Who were so terribly kind as to try and pair me with the random male that happened to be from Raleigh XD;; Ahh match-making *sarcasm*) I also got to witness some really awesome stuff and help solve all the world's problems around a bon-fire. Racism, Immigration, Religion--You name it, it was talked about! While not terribly related to the idea of wolf behavior, it was still a tantilizing bit of information to share with our one classmate from England who had her own ideas about things here in the States.

In other news, yesterday was offically coined "Intern Day" by our boss and so all of us packed up and headed out on a bus to a wildlife sanctuary nearby the center. I got to drive the hour and 30 minute drive with a car full of wildly-singing individuals on a narrow, 2-lane mountainous road. Goodie. But it wasn't that bad, and the sanctuary was neat! Unfortunately, I was oh-so-very smart and forgot my camera, so I have no pictures to share D: Before we left, though, a few of the interns went "clift-jumping" off the side of a rather precarious-looking perch into FREEZING cold water on a 50 degrees day. Perhaps I'll be adventerous enough to try it...when it's not cold. Then we all went out to eat and I had some really awesome fish--Walleye it's called. Wonderfully battered to perfection~

Unfortunately, I've been eating far too well for the past week and a half, so I've started going to the weight-room that they have on the faculty. Reminds me of the good ol' days back at college when I would work out every day on the Elipitical. Now I'm actually lifting weights! Between that and walking, eating healthy, and eating less, hopefully I'll come back a little healthier than before :P Currently, I'm enjoying a wonderful banana, blueberry, and pomogrante smoothie that I made :D Yum~

I have deduced that I want July to fly by so that August can come because EVERYTHING HAPPENS IN AUGUST. Here's just a small sampling of all that comes out in august:
--School starts
--I return home
--The new FMA Manga
-- Imogen Heap's newest CD which I have been following for the past year now

I'm sure there's more, but that's all I can think of at the moment. But still! Extensive list!

At any rate, that's quite enough of my ranting. I'll update again sometime!

Something ELSE to add to the awesome list: http://pokemonheartgoldandsoulsilver.com/


I know it doesn't come out until September...but that's close to August, right??? <3 I know what I want for my birthday *dances*

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