Title: Degrees of Love
Pairing: Essentially House/Wilson
Word Count: 2502
Spoilers: References to Control, Love Hurts, and Honeymoon through to Need to Know.
Author's Notes: Parts of this were quite difficult. I'm not used to writing some of these POVs and several of them I don't like writing, they clash too much with my own opinions of
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And she is totally in denial. To the point that I don't think she even sees things that don't fit her view of the world.
Stacy worries me a little, because I don't like the lack of clarity in canon about why House fought so hard for her and then kicked her out. And I don't like her much *g* So putting myself inside her head was me testing myself. I'm glad you liked what came from it.
Wilson was surprisingly hard. I usually have no trouble writing Wilson, but I think it was because I was writing a different dynamic to my usual version of Wilson.
House was the hardest part of the LOT. I knew what I wanted to say with it, I just wasn't sure how to.
Never apologise for leaving long feedback *g* Long feedback is love and I thank you for it from the bottom of my heart :D And everything else I've written in this fandom is posted on this journal. I've only just started writing House/Wilson and it's been running my life lately *g*
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