From student loan debt! Not racial intollerance.. If this current election has tought us anything, it's that racial intollerance is alive and well.. But I'm not here to talk election or race issue (Obama makes my heart flutter like a schoolgirl with a crush)
I got, for the very first time in many years, a tax return today.. And that means my student loans have been paid off! And that means I can get more student loans if i'm so inclined.. And that means I can go back to college! And that means I probably won't, but it's still one less debt to worry about, el oh el...
Also, make sure you vote tommorow, and although if you care about America you should probably cast your ballot for Obama, I still encourage you to vote your own conscience, even if your wrong and feel like McCain may be a better choice
And then, just for fun this guy is good with his guitar
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