Snippets of Life

Apr 20, 2017 09:12

Weird Incident: I left my office and was walking to the metro Tuesday night when a woman came up to me and started talking about how wonderful my hair is. It was just pretty weird. She went on and on about how I should never dye my hair. Now, I do like the color of my hair for the most part, though, if I worked in a less conservative area, I would do something like one of those dye jobs that reproduce a famous painting. Still, this whole thing was strange.

By the way, I sometimes get fetishists who go on about the texture of my naturally curly hair. When people ask me how I get it this way, I reply, "DNA." I have deeply mixed feelings about the texture thing, given how many days there are when my hair can enter a room hours before I do.

Amazing Shoes: I took a chance on these shoes because they are just so me. I wore them yesterday and they are also amazingly comfortable. They have several other designs I like and, well, just take my money. The only question is which ones to get first. It has been a long time since shoes made me so happy.

Notes to Myself: I figured out that the note which read:
"plot map, linnet egg, palmtop, negligent" had to do with anagrams for a cryptic crossword I was working on. But what on earth could "(merde of) caniches" have possibly meant? I know what each of the individual words means, though I admit I had to google caniches to discover they are poodles. Still, why would I have written that down?

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clothing, life in general, notes to myself

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