Top Ten Episodes of Doctor Who (According to Me) #1-5

Dec 10, 2011 22:11

I am finally getting around to ~revealing~ my top 5 episodes of Doctor Who. It's probably pretty obvious to those who know me, but let's pretend this is suspenseful. ( drumroll, please )

doctor who

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_thirty2flavors December 11 2011, 06:27:35 UTC

Turn Left, HN/FOB and WOM are my top 3 and for the most part it is hard for me to choose between them. Midnight is so great, every time I watch it I'm on the edge of my seat even though I know exactly what's going to happen when, and TIP/TSP is really great and totally my favourite episode from a Doctor/Rose perspective.

ffffffff all of these episodes are so good.

IA about both Blink and VATD, they're good but they're not top 10 quality for me. VATD isn't even my favourite in s5 tbh, I mean it'd be in my list of top Moffat Era episodes but I don't really like it as much as a lot of other people do, I think because I was mad that the episode wiht so much character development used it all on Vincent and we still had Eleven and Amy as comparatively blank slates. It's a pretty beautiful episode regardless but that frustrated me.


fauxkaren December 11 2011, 06:39:09 UTC
My top three shift around a lot depending on my mood. I think the reason that TIP/TSP ultimately ended up as my number one this time around was because it's just less emotionally draining than the others. TIP/TSP is just like a really delicious comforting bowl of ice cream.

Yeah, my favorite in series 5 is probably The Lodger. LOL. IDGAF. IT WAS THE FIRST TIME I REALLY LIKED ELEVEN. (Oh how short lived that was...) I mean, it'd definitely make the top ten of Moffat Who, but Moffat Who is kid of slim pickings for me. ITA about how all the character development was focused on Vincent with a bit of Amy stuff shoved in at the end. It's still a good episode, but it's not without its flaws.


_thirty2flavors December 11 2011, 06:41:20 UTC
i sort of picked an order one time and have rigidly stuck to it ever since because it's easier that way lolol.

Amy's Choice is top for me, and then probably The Lodger and then maybe VATD. If I was doing like, Top 10 of Moff-Era it would make the cut. But maybe not even top 5? Because Girl Who Waited and Doctor's Wife exist.


sherrilina December 11 2011, 19:57:36 UTC
Heh "The Lodger" is also my fave of s5, for the same reason! Craig + Eleven is like some magical combination that makes him suddenly likeable (I found it having the same effect on me even in s6 in Craig's epp!).

And yeah I will never understand why people hold up VaTD as like ~THE BEST EPP EVAR, it was a solid epp to be sure, but I didn't think it was groundbreaking or anything...:s Plus the weird way they pronounce Van Gogh's name and Bill Nighy's OTT praise for the artist (sorry but even a lot of Dutch art history academics wouldn't agree with you there, man! He was good, but not necessarily THE best, why couldn't you have added a "one of" in there?).


phoenixrising06 December 11 2011, 22:22:09 UTC
Idk, I agree that it's not groundbreaking in the storytelling sense, but it is unique in its portrayal of depression. Most television shows go the Effy Stonem route when it comes to mental illness, almost glamorizing it. So for me, when I watch this episode, I'm both touched and impressed. Vincent is troubled, yes, but not batshit crazy; his depression is blunt and not shied away from, but there is hope without it being the instant 'fix-it' common to this type of story that cheapens the experience of everyone who suffers from it.


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