The Ten Worst Episodes of Doctor Who (According to Me) #6-10

Dec 02, 2011 13:28

Honorable mentions: "The Next Doctor". I might be an RTD stan, but he is not without flaws, and imo this is the worst of his episodes. The Cyber King stuff is ridiculous as is the idea that a giant robot stomping through London would just be forgotten by history. But there is enough flashes of good stuff in the episode to barely save it from making ( Read more... )

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Comments 62

jessicaqueen December 3 2011, 01:16:20 UTC
I don't think 42 would make my personal Top 10 worst eps list, but you're so very right that it's an ep that strives to be TIP/TSP and falls well short. The characters aren't anywhere near as awesome, the idea of faith isn't canvassed as effectively, there are no Ood (which is a crime), and the overall premise is pretty much flawed.

Nor would SitL/FotD make my list, but it definitely has it's moments of >:(. Like Vashta Nerada = lumbering skeletons in spacesuits... what the hell, Moffat? The sense this makes is nil. And I'm with you entirely on the 'safe/saved' thing. And the Doctor trapping River in a limited 'afterlife' that she didn't ask for is more cruel than happy, IMO (but the same concept is done so much worse in Love and Monsters, so I'll let this one slide).

Otherwise, I agree completely, and I'm looking forward to seeing your Top 5. :)


fauxkaren December 3 2011, 06:00:59 UTC
"42" is just so boring. Guh. I mean there are other episodes of Doctor Who that I find boring (like "Night Terrors"), but somehow "42" seems worse to me just because it pales in comparison to TIP/TSP which is one of my favorite stories.

SitL/FotD shifted around on my list a lot over the years. At first I hated it because of the saved/safe thing and my shipper butthurt. Then I liked it more circa series 5 because River grew on me, but now after series 6 when I'm just angry about River's entire storyline, it crept back on my worst episodes list.


_thirty2flavors December 3 2011, 06:09:09 UTC
I thought/hoped liking River more would make me like the episodes more, but it just made me hate FOTD even more because her ending was even worse. I actually like Silence in the Library more or less -- it's just that like many two-parters the second half falls down on its face, and it falls hard. It's not until the end of FOTD that we get Donna being sidelined, River's stupid ending, the offensive bullshit with Miss Evangelista, "OMG TREES", "OMG SAFE", etc.

We do get "ice cream" though. Is that another one of Moffat's recurring themes, ICE CREAM AS THE GREATEST TRAGEDY OF OUR TIME? Also Ten has that "I was lying to shut you up" line he says to Donna and Donna doesn't kick him in the groin which is just inaccurate.


fauxkaren December 3 2011, 06:13:08 UTC
I didn't even mention the BS with Miss Evangelista because I decided I should aim to make this post somewhat shorter than War and Peace BUT OMG. WHY, MOFFAT, WHY???? I will never get over how stupid the tree thing and safe/saved thing is.

I don't remember the "ice cream" bit. What happened with that?

Also Ten has that "I was lying to shut you up" line he says to Donna and Donna doesn't kick him in the groin which is just inaccurate.


zombie_boogie December 3 2011, 02:25:56 UTC
Haha, I was so excited to see your lists because I was like, MAYBE SHE'LL PUT ALL OF MY FAVOURITE EPISODES ON HERE AND I WILL LAUGH. But here I am agreeing with your list so far (though I don't hate the library two-parter, I can see why people do). They really shouldn't allow Chibnall to write for this show anymore.


fauxkaren December 3 2011, 06:10:10 UTC
JUST WAIT FOR TOMORROW. (Maybe. Idk. You might agree with a couple on there, idk.)

Chibnall is so bad. I'm convinced he is the reason why Starz's Camelot was a flop. I could see his terrible fingerprints all over some of those scripts.


kilodalton December 3 2011, 04:45:15 UTC
Nice list!! No surprise, it largely parallels mine (although I tend to forgive 42 for quite a lot bc I find some interesting moments in there to meta on ... but that's neither here nor there). Can't wait to see your bottom 5 XD



fauxkaren December 3 2011, 06:12:10 UTC
I DID X-POST IT ON TUMBLR. But without any fun results. :( Possibly because I didn't tag characters and only tagged writers and episodes. Maybe I should change that for my #5-1 worst episode post.


notemily December 3 2011, 19:02:15 UTC
Am I following your tumblr? If not, I would like to be. What's your name there?


fauxkaren December 4 2011, 00:43:08 UTC
I'm the same there as I am here.


spellweaver731 December 3 2011, 05:16:18 UTC
We have nearly exactly the same opinions. Weird.


fauxkaren December 3 2011, 06:13:41 UTC


sherrilina December 3 2011, 05:16:22 UTC
Good list and honorable mentions! 42 is even worse for me b/c I just hate that kind of plot period (to the extent that I disliked TIP/TSP @ first, and am not fond of WoM)...

VOTD was only tolerable for me in that a) I had just visited Churchill's Cabinet War Rooms the last time I'd been in London before watching that epp, so I thought the setting was neat and tried to figure out if they filmed there or not, and b) I imagined 11 and Amy running into 9/Rose/Jack, lol. So the setting was cool, but everything else...:s


fauxkaren December 3 2011, 06:23:32 UTC
TIP/TSP and WOM are two of my favorite episodes of Doctor Who so I like this type of plot when done right, but "42" is not it. UGH. The character stuff is just not there to support the plot, so it's just boring.

I wish that Jack had a brief cameo in the background. THAT WOULD HAVE SAVED THE ENTIRE EPISODE FOR ME. I'm not even a big fan of Jack, but I just think that would have been super fun.


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