The Ten Worst Episodes of Doctor Who (According to Me) #6-10

Dec 02, 2011 13:28

Honorable mentions: "The Next Doctor". I might be an RTD stan, but he is not without flaws, and imo this is the worst of his episodes. The Cyber King stuff is ridiculous as is the idea that a giant robot stomping through London would just be forgotten by history. But there is enough flashes of good stuff in the episode to barely save it from making ( Read more... )

doctor who

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phoenixrising06 December 2 2011, 23:14:27 UTC
Your brain is one of my favorite brains.

Chris Chibnall episodes are neither here nor there for me. I tend not to pay much attention to them, really. I guess that just goes to show you how much of an impression they made on me.

You already know I didn't make it through ACC, but it should also be noted that I quit VotD as soon as the Skittle Daleks turned up. Like you said, too much secondhand embarrassment.

The Vashta Naradas in the spacesuits are pretty much the least scary thing I've ever seen. They're even lamer than the Clockwork Robots for me, which is saying a lot.

An interesting fact about the Donna plot: an early draft of the script had Donna's "soul mate" being woman outside of the computer, but seeing ideal self as a man inside the computer. The giveaway at the end would've been her stutter, which would identify her to the audience as Donna's dream mate.


_thirty2flavors December 2 2011, 23:17:24 UTC
I heard that about FOTD in the commentary and thought it was interesting.

Also, as spud14 drew to my attention, I am always going to be a little sad that Donna looks better in her fake wedding than she did in her real wedding in EOT. (srsly who was responsible for that hairstyle and where can I judge them, etc).


phoenixrising06 December 2 2011, 23:22:00 UTC
CAL clearly has the better fashion sense.


fauxkaren December 2 2011, 23:23:16 UTC
Hm. I'm not sure how I feel about having Donna's "soul mate" be a woman outside the computer just because with Moffat I'm not sure how much of that would have been about representing trans people and how much of that would have been "GOTCHA!", you know?


phoenixrising06 December 2 2011, 23:28:13 UTC
I see your point. I think that were it to be done in the right way, it could work really well, but handling things delicately is not exactly something Moffat is known for.


fauxkaren December 2 2011, 23:44:42 UTC
Chibnall is just not a very eloquent writer. His dialogue just lacks... something. It never feels very lively or natural. He did a lot of writing for the Starz series Camelot and guh. The writing for it was really bad.


phoenixrising06 December 2 2011, 23:48:32 UTC
He wrote for Camelot? Say no more.


_thirty2flavors December 2 2011, 23:49:25 UTC

I feel this speaks for itself.


fauxkaren December 2 2011, 23:58:21 UTC
LOL CHIBNALL WROTE SOME TRULY TERRIBLE EPISODES OF TORCHWOOD. But he also wrote a couple of decent scripts too so I think he might have some potential tucked away somewhere, but that should be developed and fostered. He should not be allowed to be a showrunner. UUUGH.


_thirty2flavors December 3 2011, 00:09:34 UTC
IDK IF I BELIEVE THAT, I thought s1-s2 of Torchwood were uniformly horrible.


fauxkaren December 3 2011, 00:14:56 UTC
He wrote "Fragments" which is the episode where we got everyone's backstories and I thought that one was pretty good. But I mean he also wrote "Countrycide" and "Cyberwoman" which are two of the worst episodes of all of Torchwood, so...


_thirty2flavors December 3 2011, 00:43:10 UTC





sherrilina December 3 2011, 05:08:05 UTC
Yeah I was going to say, "Fragments" was one of the best epps of TW (pre-COE), which always mystifies me..maybe RTD heavily revised the script or something!


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phoenixrising06 December 3 2011, 06:00:08 UTC
I never put two and two together there, but now my mind is kind of blown. Maybe I'll change Victory of the Daleks into Victory of the Skittles instead just to make it easier in the future.


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