We Love the Women That Fandom Hates- Day 2

Sep 10, 2011 02:12

For those of you concerned about how spoilery these metas are: today's Catelyn meta contains spoilers up through A Feast for Crows, the Cordelia meta is specifically spoilery for episode 3x06 "Billy" of Angel but generally for her whole are, and the Rose meta is spoilery through 2x01 "New Earth".

Rose Tyler )

buffy, game of thrones, we love the women that fandom hates, doctor who

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Comments 18

matitablu September 10 2011, 22:33:27 UTC
Ugh the way people Do Not Get Catelyn's internal remark at Brienne being "unfortunate" because of her looks make me want to bang my head against a wall, really. Because
a)she's right! Cat knows what the status quo is. She can immediately imagine what Brienne's life might have been and - surprise - she's right, because once we get into Brienne's arc we see how much her looks combined with her unconventional life choices have made her life hard.
b)if Cat was so disgusted/offended by Brienne, why would she side with her? Why would she basically trust her with her daughters' lives? I mean, these are facts, they are in the text. I'm not making incredible leaps in logic with this. *cue "are we even reading the same books, guys" rant*

So um, in short, wonderful meta! *thumbs up*


fauxkaren September 11 2011, 00:03:04 UTC
RIGHT? Cat clearly trusts Brienne and there's a degree of affection between them. Clearly Catelyn is not offended by Brienne's ugly existence. Sometimes I think people are just looking for things to criticize Cat for and therefore deliberately misread things.


zombie_boogie September 12 2011, 23:31:40 UTC
I love that you chose to write about Catelyn and Brienne! I find their relationship particular interesting in light of how Brienne and Sansa act as both mirrors and foils to each other - both of them were raised on stories and are idealists of a certain fashion, though clearly Sansa takes on the role of the lady while Brienne takes on the role of the knight. Catelyn is the pragmatic centre that binds them, and in a way Brienne is a surrogate daughter for Catelyn I think.

I do wish that there were more female friendships in the books. Sansa and Cersei's relationship was fascinating, but I'd hardly call it friendly. I LOVED the little bit we got with Sansa and Margaery.


fauxkaren September 12 2011, 23:57:32 UTC
I love seeing female friendships portrayed in media because there isn't enough of it outside of shows specifically marketed towards women, and I find the Catelyn and Brienne relationship to be fascinating.


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