...As It Will Matter...

Dec 01, 2011 01:29

I'm feeling much better, thanks. And how are you?

...Ah, that's an interesting response.

I had a song caught in my head earlier today that has never been stuck in there before, but now I can't recall what it was. Fascinating!

It's about 12:30am, and all I want to do is play Batman: Arkham Asylum (generously on loan from the distinctive BLK Collection). But I'm not, and I'm not going to; Last night I woke up around 4 thinking about The Joker and The Scarecrow, half my face and my right arm had fallen numb, and I was a bit freaked out. So...yeah...Batman during the day, I guess. It's an excellent game that plays like Assassin's Creed: a bit clunkier in the way Batman interacts with the environment at times, a bit more free-flowing in terms of plot progression and mission acquisition, and comparable in terms of how much stuff there is to collect. And it's not scary.

The next part I have to play involves Scarecrow, though, and I don't need that before bed - No matter how "not scary" it is.

Bottom line: Not scary.

...I'm just not going to play it before bed anymore, that's all.

The last part of my birthday presents came this evening - The vinyl reissue of Gish and the CD & vinyl reissues of Siamese Dream, Smashing Pumpkins albums all. The CD reissue of Gish is still coming - I ordered it for myself (non-birthday) seperately from the Pumpkins themselves to access an extra downloadable song, and (as expected) they're not as Jimmy-on-the-spot about their shipping as Amazon is about theirs.

December is starting, which means I have one (1) month left before my T-shirt-a-day blogging begins. Tomorrow I need to do a fresh count of the shirts and make a post on The Facebook asking for peoples' opinion on the all-important name of the project. I would like to create a database with categories, origins, and other info to make the scheduling for the project easier, but I think I'll hold off on that until my clever assisstant returns from the Great White North.

The main thing about that, which I didn't get to in that paragraph, is that this is the last month I have the opportunity to wear Whatever shirt I want, as frequently as I choose. The most troubling part of this undertaking is that if I wear one of my favorite shirts in January it will be a Whole Year before I can wear it again. This leaves me with a tough choice: Do I start strong, like any good project Should, or do I limp along for the first few months intentionally picking shirts that don't matter as much to me to decrease the waiting period for my favorites? You're right, of course - Lead strong (perhaps not Favorites right out of the gate, but Strong), no matter how it hurts. That'll set the pace and tone, and an expected level of enthusiasm and detail, and encourage me to keep it up at a consistantly high level.

...Or should I open with my all time favorites? Is "first week" (or at least "first day") of a project such as this an honor to be given to The Best? Yes, my life is full of The Tough Choices.

Speaking of tough choices, does anybody else local get excited when Cynthia Schweigert and Maria Chandler are split-screen together on the WMBD news? That possibility is the best reason to watch the news, and it happened on tonight's broadcast. It should happen on Ever broadcast, but I'll take what I can get. If either or both of you are reading this: I am Very single and you are Very attractive. Thank you for beautifying the news and doing your job well.

Enough of this foolishness.
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